
  1. Yella Fella

    Excel wizards needed - Staff overtime rota planner

    Not that you need to know but let's start over as my post didn't save when I clicked back from the preview :cry: So.... I have a staff rota that tracks the number of days someone has worked and on another sheet based on the number of days worked the number of total hours worked. The query is...
  2. Yella Fella

    Excel - finding the highest cumulative value

    Hey all, I need some help in working out a column of numbers which I'm adding up a cumulative total... so let's say the column has 30 expected values and I only have the 3rd so far e.g. 3000, 3000 and 4000. This is displayed as, which I have done already: 3000 6000 10000 I need to display in...
  3. Yella Fella

    Excel gurus - rolling 365-day formula

    Hey all. So I have to work out my staff's sickness days and calculate their Bradford Factor score. However, this is done on a rolling 365 days from the day I work this out. I tried searching online but most of it was setting up rolling calendar dates in the future. I need a way of working this...
  4. Yella Fella

    Excel formula - If weekend or weekday, then count

    I have the logic in my head though I can't work out if it's best to go in rows or columns. I've tried both and it adds all. So I'm trying to count simply what days staff has done overtime working out if it's weekdays or a weekend. I'm using the following format from M3 onwards Sat | Sun...
  5. Yella Fella

    Power BI users? Help.

    Ok, so I've managed to show 3 different graphs but wonder if it's possible to have all 3 graphs in one... I'm jotting down the temperatures across 3 rooms, 3 times a day. Let's say morning, noon and evening. Now in Power BI, I can show the day on the X-axis and one of the rooms on the Y-axis...
  6. Yella Fella

    Excel formula gurus please

    Hey all, I'm trying to work formula to see if a staff was in, it will show their shift hours if its Mon-Thu or Fri. I've listed the shift times in 2 columns. I'm using as an example, =TEXT(F5,"ddd") to display the weekday. So the following formula works where it checks conditional formatting on...
  7. ssmacc

    Excel vlookup easy problem? (I can't solve!)

    Hello All, I've trying to write a vlookup from another worksheet that will pull through the visit, date and weight given only the name (there are columns between the example above in the real version) I've no doubt foolishly tried the below and get a #Spill! error (where "VS" is the other...
  8. Mel_P

    Excel Workings - how does the Microsoft Family Tree Generator work?

    Hello, Under what's new for Windows 10 October update this excel template is provided: https://templates.office.com/en-gb/family-tree-generator-tm89758537 I have tried to look behind it to see how the "calculations" are done but can find any behind the scenes formulae etc. e.g. how does it...
  9. Doosht

    Excel / Google Sheets 'SUM' repeating help please :)

    I've got a google sheets spreadsheet which i have multiple 'sums' on it. How can i repeat those sums down the columns without it filing in Zero's all the way down? If i don't 'drag' the formula down (and get all the zeros!) it means having to individually drag down the 'sum' on every cell i...
  10. Merriminty

    Which tablet/2 in 1 is best? (shortlist for email, word, excel, YouTube, etc)

    I'm currently studying medical science, we don't really use high task programs. I mainly use word, excel and adobe (for digital text books). Non-uni activities would be limited to just youtube/netflix/web browsing. This device is entirely aimed at low level tasks, no gaming or editing software...
  11. Anchundan

    Keytips appearing in excel when I press =

    A weird and highly disruptive thing has just started to happen, and I've searched for the last hour for how to fix it, to no avail. When I type = into a cell in Excel (quite an important part of Excel) the keytips appear (the little black boxes hovering over the ribbon / quick access that lets...
  12. kiteloopy

    Power BI + Excel - Waterfall Charts

    Hi Everyone. Does anyone use PowerBI? Specifically Waterfall charts? I need some assistance with how it interprets data. From my own experiments, it seems that waterfall charts will only display combined data and I was wondering if I might have set it wrong, id like to show something granular...
  13. AHarvey

    500 error - editing excel online

    Hi all, We've a spreadsheet that is used by 3 or 4 people in the company, constant issues with 500 errors popping up. Clearing cache and cookies, opening in a new tab seems to be the only way to deal with the problem but it's not always a 100% fix. They do edit at the same time, all in the...
  14. fish_dan

    Problems with formulas in Excel 2013

    Hello, I am having some trouble trying to make my spreadsheet formulas work in an excel spreadsheet on dispatch times. The idea was; i would have two sheets (Times (sheet1) & Data (sheet2)) Sheet 2 Data; would have lots of various destinations: Column A - Location 1 Column B - Location 2...
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