
  1. phillai

    Phanteks Evolv X Dual System Build with MiSTer FPGA system possible?

    Hey guys.I need some friendly advice and not sure where to start. I'm thinking of building a new PC (first one in 9 years!) with the Phanteks Evolv X case that's been stuck in the loft that I've never used. I understand that this takes two PC systems but has anyone built one with a MiSTer...
  2. rangitoto2107

    FPGA Dev Kits

    Recently I am looking into low latency programming. Have been working extensively with Java as I find it is very suitable for LLP provided certain optimizations and GC workarounds are implemented. Have worked commercially with strategic order routing, monitoring, and algorithmic trading. Long...
  3. rangitoto2107

    FPGA Dev Kits

    Recently I am looking into low latency programming. Have been working extensively with Java as I find it is very suitable for LLP provided certain optimizations and GC workarounds are implemented. Have worked commercially with strategic order routing, monitoring, and algorithmic trading. Long...
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