
  1. truewraith

    whats the cheapest way to heat a garage?

    wasnt sure which type of heater to try look for to heat our large garage for winter as there are so many out there so please if anyones got any suggestions that would be awesome :)
  2. john_smith

    Garden rebuild.

    :) I'm attempting to "sort the gareden" out this year. We have a sloped garden that leads itself towards 3 tiers / terraces. I want to seperate these with walls. The largest will be on the tyop boundry that's 25m long and i'll have it about 1m high. Other walls will be smaller, i'd like to...
  3. iamdjdz

    Spec me a tyre inflator

    As title, I have no idea really, basically what I want is something to keep my tyres topped up at home for cars and my motorbike so has to do high 40s PSI. Needs an adapter that can fit on a motorbike wheel so 90 degree one would be perfect. Ideally accurate and fast to inflate with a digital...
  4. Mahady

    Painting garage block wall with holes and holes

    Hello Everyone, I am painting my garage using sandtex ultra smooth masonry wall. I bought 2 x 10ltr tubs. Problem I have is the walls are concrete blocks with holes so it has pebbles. After 2 coats I can’t fill the wall at the back of garage which is quite rough and many holes. Is there anyway I...
  5. Shawy

    Garage Buildlog

    Hi folks. Having purchased my first house around a year ago, I've finally gotten around to sorting out the garage. A few people over in motors seemed to like it, so here's a sort of 'build log' of what I've done. Here's the before pictures, from the house advert. It's a 1890's 2 story coach...
  6. Alex34

    Networking out to garage

    I live in a new build and my garage isn't directly attached to my property. I live in a detached house and my garage is one of three garages below my next door neighbour's flat. When the house was being finished we ran power from the house to the garage via underground conduit that runs along...
  7. bettz

    Painting Garage Wall

    Hi thought i'd set about Painting the inside of the garage white as i've seen a few threads and thought it would brighten up the garage. I've bought a couple of tins of White Deco Aldi Masonry Paint. I've not long started and i've already used 1/2 a tub and i've hardly got anywhere :eek: ...
  8. bettz

    CCTV recommendation

    We had our car broken into last night,they went through the boot and interior compartment but no sign of entry or damage.A lot of cars are being broken into in our area at the moment (relay box)? as there's no damage to any car I've been thinking about sticking a camera above the garage as we...
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