
  1. shaf

    New homeserver build, which OS?

    Hi, I'm building a new homeserver build and would like some advise on which OS to choose. I'm quite familiar with most of them and just want to make the right choice for my needs. I currently have an xpenology box which I am replacing and which is running on a 10gbe network. My use cases...
  2. Westovski

    Server Build - Plex, NAS, the odd bit of tinkering...

    Hi all, It seems I only really post on here when I need help with a build, but i'm a bit of a part time enthusiast and there's always the best advice on here, in fact, to find my various builds over the years, you probably only need to look at my post history :D Anyway, now the polite...
  3. Charlie Hanson


    Meet Alfred. He will be an HTPC with some gentle Home Server responsibilities. This thread is picture heavy. I'm no photographer, so what I lack in quality I make up with quantity. It's made out of 18mm pine furniture board, and fronted with speaker cloth. Thanks to the winter weather and...
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