
  1. kisserik93

    Best java IDE

    Hi! What do you think, what is the best java IDE? Thank you
  2. slowpoke

    2.5" IDE connector name/type

    I'm in need to identify and build an adapter that uses the same pitch connector as 2.5" IDE hard drives. What is technical name for such connector ? Connector i'm after is of 5x2 female with ribbon attached but same spacing as 2.5". Push comes to shove i might just split 2.5" cable, cut...
  3. Miten

    Setting up RAID ARRAY with 2 SSD's for additional storage

    Hi everyone, I am in need for extra storage and I have two laptops that I have pulled the hard drives out. They are 250GB Crucial SSD's, identical models. The laptops themselves were throwaways, I will not be buying additional storage. I'd like to set them up as RAID 0 as I do not need the...
  4. vikki

    Cloning Hard Drive - Windows 10

    Hi I am doing a bit of basic upgrading of my DAW with a much larger new drive - it is SATA where the other drives are IDE. Not wanting to go through the process of reloading all my software I decided to clone my relatively small hard drive (c) to th much larger new SATA hard drive (not SSD)...
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