ryzen 2700x

  1. weeyin

    Upgrade time around a Ryzen 7 2700X

    The current PC is a good few years old (current specs) and I'm looking to build something that can help with Video Editing, Photo editing, and gaming. I've always been an Intel fan girl but am very tempted at the AMD range now. I know the new Ryzen 5 range is really popular, but I was looking...
  2. Liam Scannell

    I have a X470-F mobo. What CPU should I get??

    Hi guy, So I have a X470-F mobo and am wanting to know if I should buy a ryzen 3600 or go with an older gen CPU like the 2700/2700X. I have 3600mhz ram also. It's my first build so am weary I would possibly need to update the bios which I will have to learn how to do if I get a 3600. This build...
  3. marcosscriven

    Please check my Ryzen 2700x temps

    Hi there I've just been checking my temps under load (no OC - all defaults), with both my case fans and CPU fan forced to max, even while idle: Wraith Prism fixed at 3000rpm (surprisingly not that loud) Case fans fixed at 1300rpm Idle: Tdie 38 to 55 (Tctl +10), Mobo CPU temp: 37 Load after 60...
  4. marcosscriven

    Learning about the basics of Ryzen CPU and memory OC - is this right so far?

    Here's a few things I've read, and want to paraphrase to check my understanding. First - understanding some of the acronyms and terminology: XFR2 - eXtended Frequency Range 2 - the tech in Zen+ chips that allows a small bump (50-100Mhz) if there's enough temperature margin. PB2 - Precision...
  5. alex2zulu

    Check My New Core Component Upgrade for £1000

    Hi, im looking to upgrade my FX-8350, R390. I play all sorts of titles, battlefield, Anthem (lately), assasins creed, ghost recon, oculus titles. Lots. Needless to say, mostly games. I play everything at 1080, i do have a 4k tv so that might be a thing in the future, not a major factor though...
  6. Kavalier

    Gaming Monitor to pair with RADEON RX VEGA VII

    Hello all, I just built a new gaming system paired with ASROCK RADEON RX VEGA VII and a RYZEN 2700X. Currently, am using a 1080p monitor and would like to upgrade to a 1440p or 4k monitor. My budget is that of 1000 Euros max. Can you please suggest an ideal monitor for my new setup?
  7. mdubs

    need advice on upgrade path

    need advice on upgrade path i currently have a i5 2500k @ 4.5ghz and an r9 290 I plan on replacing both eventually, my question is which we give me better results: A- just upgrade GPU to either 2070,2080 or vega VII (have free sync monitor) B- upgrade to a ryzen 2700x C- upgrade to i7 9700k...
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