
  1. ConnorBCFC

    Rate my build...

    Hi all, Putting together a gaming build for £980 maximum - thoughts on this? Competitor removed. Was going to get the RX 580 but discovered the 1660 SUPER at a decent price. It's for gaming at 1920x1080 - ideally 144Hz. Any changes I should consider? Just looking for ideas. Thanks!
  2. ConnorBCFC

    Future Proof Gaming Build

    Hi all. I need parts list ideas - I'm doing a build for a friend who has a big budget for a new gaming pc. The budget is £2500-3000. I know the newgen GPUs are out soon, but they're insistent on having this build asap, with a view to upgrading to one of the new GPUs in the future, so if you...
  3. ConnorBCFC

    PC Stuck in Boot Loop

    Hi, Bit of a weird problem here. My brother's had his PC for two years now. Since about six months into owning the PC, he's had problems with the boot sequence. It's usually fine, but every so often, it'll get caught in a boot loop where the fans spin, but there's no MoBo lighting or no...
  4. Jennie Wallace

    New to PC gaming - what is right PC for me?

    Hi I've been playing games on PS3 and PS4 games for a while, but I've wanted to play games on PC desktop for a while now, mainly as I want to be able to use mods. Very shallow, I know! Thing is, I know absolutely nothing about gaming PCs, I don't understand specs, it just looks a jumble of...
  5. Chris Timmins

    New to pc gaming and want a good pc between £1000-1500

    Hi everyone, I am new to forums and just wanted some advice really on buying a system as I have looked myself and don't really understand computers all that well and the meanings and which brand to go with as I know there are so many different options to choose from and I don't really know what...
  6. NikTheSHNIK


    As regular readers know we are HYPED for IEM Katowice and have refreshed our eSports range of PC's and peripherals. Check the PC's out HERE bundled with tons of free games: Harbinger SF IEM Certified PC - Intel Core i5 7500 @ 3.4GHz Kaby Lake @ £879.95 inc VAT 7th Generation Intel...
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