temper glass

  1. MasterOC

    Kolink Stronghold ''2'' Lian-li Dynamic 011

    The origional idea upon building the PC was to go with something cheap, functional and with at least some bling ability in the form of tempered glass. I really do not like the traditional ''Gamer'' case and style. I love something simple , elegant and clean without the unessary frills... not...
  2. AML Custom Pc

    Custom build Log - Thermaltake X71 case (With Modding) Project no name.

    Hey Guy's I have started a new project (no name) in the x71 case. I am going to be modding the front of the case and adding temper glass. It will have a dual loop two pumps two Res and two 360 rads, I am looking at replacing the motherboard tray and add my own plus a few little surprise a long...
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