
  1. TheFjordFox

    Conquest of Elysium 5

    Conquest of Elysium 5! Have you heard about it? I wouldn't blame you if you haven't, I learned about this game's existence myself only a few months back. It's unfortunately quite niche, as this game has wowed me with it's depth, complexity, diversity and re-playability. Among other things. I've...
  2. Space Monkey

    Looking for a certain type of game?

    Hey, Is there anything modern on the PC where you start with building up your settlement from a low state a bit like civilization and progress through time and technology, I'm guessing like the old Settlers games? So you say start in the stone age and eventually reach a futuristic state, cars...
  3. NeoWave

    Phoenix Point - new strategy game from X-COM creator Julian Gollop

    Julian Gollop has posted a link to a teaser trailer for a new strategy game he & his studio are working on; Phoenix Point. It is reportedly in the X-COM style but the enemy aliens physically evolve in response to players' actions via procedural generation; sounds interesting. Trailer: Link to...
  4. LordFeste

    Children of the Galaxy - 4x strategy turn based

    http://store.steampowered.com/app/563390/ Just picked this up on Early Access, newly minted on Steam today (14th march). If you're in to 4X, turn based games, then this might float your boat. I'll be streaming it later on.
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