video editing

  1. Boo_OS

    How important are Cuda Cores for building a PC intended for media creation?

    Hi there, I'm looking to upgrade my GPU, my PC is a mid tier workstation intended for Adobe Suite and 3D modelling. I've always been an Nvidia user but due to multiple issues with two cards now due to faulty memory, lack of VRam, and buggy utilities, I've been considering taking the leap to...
  2. WeMakeFilmsUK

    Affordable monitor, that can compete with an Apple Display?

    I run a video production company based in Bristol we're looking to upgrade our monitors, most of us run Mac but we're looking for a well-priced monitor that can compete with Apple's Pro Display XDR without the large price tag. Looking forward to hearing the communities thoughts here! Best, Tom
  3. RC1917

    Looking to upgrade Video Editing PC

    Hi all, Really hope this is the right place to post this, and apologies if not. I currently have a PC that I bought already made. I make very simple youTube videos with it and all in all it has been fine and has been relatively useful. The problems that I encounter with it is that in Premiere...
  4. Noel Moore

    Upgrading for Video Editing. Am I on the right forum?

    Most enquiries here relate to gaming, but I guess that this is also the place to go for a video editing upgrade. I use my desktop computer for general home use and video-editing using Blackmagic Davinci Resolve (Free edition). The free edition renders using the cpu rather than the gpu. My...
  5. Klutzsm58

    Help confining workstation /gaming rig

    *configuring Hey all I'd appreciated any advice! I'm going to do fresh install I'm trying to decide on best way how to configure my hard drives My PC is used for gaming and video editing / animation HARD DRIVES AVAILABLE: 1x 1tb m.2 nvme 3x 1tb HDD 1x 128gb ssd 1x 40gb ssd (i have it may as...
  6. grandpaflump

    Parts for a new rig for video editing

    Hello A friend of mine has asked me to build them a rig that is good for getting into video editing. I haven't built one for a while and usually only build gaming rigs for myself, so I am a little out of touch with what's good and what's available. Their budget is around £800 (excluding...
  7. SemperFitz

    Movie maker alternative

    How is it possible that no one has yet to come up with a piece of software as good as Win Movie Maker? The ones I have tried are wither buggy as hell (VLMC) steep learning curve or unintuitive (Shotcut) or loaded with ads. I don't want Adobe as i don't do that much but surely there's an...

    PC build for video editing

    Hi, Im looking for a new PC to primarily edit movies. Only HD rather than 4k. Plan to use Cyberlink Power Director. I currently have an Intel i5 2.67GHz CPU, 8GB Ram with a ATI radeon hd 5450 graphics cards and performance when editing is awful - it will fail to preview any edits before...
  9. bewarethemoon

    Seeking advice for a build for TV Video Editing/Logging & Music Production - Budget £800~

    Hey all, I'm a bit of a novice looking for some advice on creating a build fit for video editing and music production. My current laptop (since 2017) is beginning to slow down and considering its never been able to run the Adobe Creative Suite properly, I'm now looking to upgrade into something...
  10. Tommky

    Video editing workstation 3900x 32GB RAM Nvidia 1660 Super

    Hi All, I’ve recently built this computer for video editing Sony A7Siii footage and it’s really slow in premiere pro. Ryzen 3900X Nvidia 1660 super 2 x 16GB 3200Mhz Crucial Ballistix TUF gaming X570 Plus WiFi 1TB Sabrent Rocket Nvme Others seem to be editing A7Siii footage with less...
  11. Nayasu

    Video Editing (Premier Pro) + Gaming Rig build. Please tear it to shreds.

    Hello World. I am looking to buy/build a new desktop for video editing (with gaming in mind as well). I do not need it to be pretty - but efficient when in use and quiet when not rendering/encoding etc videos or running games. For video editing, I will primarily be using Adobe Premier Pro...
  12. Quartz

    Recommend me a video editing tutorial

    The video tutorials I've seen (e.g. Openshot) seem to start with you having a set of clips you want to string together. Are there any that work the other way around? That is, they start with you having a video file - be it 5 mins dashcam footage or 3 hours of Microsoft Video Recorder footage -...
  13. Samuel Skordi

    List for video editing and gaming for $800-1000

    This build is aimed for video editing and gaming in an $800-1000 budget, any cheaper/better suggestions would be greatly appreciated :) *** Competitor link removed ***
  14. Mark101

    Upgrades for 1080p / 4k video editing

    Hi guys, got a quick question about upgrading my PC for 1080p video editing. Premiere Pro can be slow both to preview and to render. Specs are: i5 6500 @ 3.20GHz 16GB RAM no videocard currently OS on an SSD, rest on HDD I'm buying an SSD to store my footage but wondering what the bottleneck...
  15. SuperOmni12

    New Build PC

    Hi Everyone, First time posting as I have been out the loop for a while in PC tech, trying to catch up with everything and thought it would be best to get input from people here. I am a editor working mostly at production offices but with everything that has been going on I have been working...
  16. MrHamid

    New PC

    Hi, I am totally new to building a PC, never done it before. Can someone help me spec a PC just do some lite photo/video editing just for home use. I have a monitor.
  17. lucid

    Low-cost/free basic v. editing software with insert edit for YT vids @ 720p

    Hello gurus, I'm hoping to pick your collective brains on video editing software. I've got a couple of little projects to edit, and I'm perhaps 95% sorted with my editing needs with the incredibly basic Magix Fastcut editing s/w which I found preloaded on this Core i5-3210 2.5GHz W10 lappy with...
  18. HPV

    Video Editing + Gaming PC Help - Build Ready

    Hi all, I'm about to pull the trigger on my new build but wanted to check if any of you were able to spot anything I've missed? Any parts I could replace to get better performance without wildly overspending? I'll be adding currently owned SSD storage. The machine is for 4k-6k video editing...
  19. producedbymorgan

    New Ryzen build

    Hi all, I’m looking to build my first PC mainly for 4K video editing with decent, not great, gaming capabilities. I want to make sure I pick compatible components with the highest possible performance for my budget (£1500). Thanks in advance for your feedback! CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X or Ryzen 5...
  20. sfmk2.

    Video Editing Build - Specs advice

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