windows 10 64-bit

  1. YellaLoon

    Nvidia dsr resolution problems windows 10

    Hi, I've been trying to use the nvidia dsr feature on games on a 4k tv as some games don't offer great anti aliasing options like the elder scrolls online and even look bad in 4k resolution. Using the feature works but for some reason it changes my native resolution from 3840x2160 to 4096x2160...
  2. Craig R

    Win10: Can't boot, can't repair, can't launch safe mode

    Have had a weird problem at the weekend getting the blue screen of death. It tries to do a start-up repair, then says it has been unable to do so. If I try to launch in safe mode, or any of the other launch options, I get caught in the same loop. If I try to repair, it fails. If I try a...
  3. Glen Mcperson

    Asus Tranformer T100TAF with Windows 10 64-bit?

    I have an Asus Tranformer T100TAF with Windows 10 Home 32bit installed. When I got to My Computer > Properties I see: System type: 32-bit Operating System, x64-based processor Can I do a fresh install of Windows 10 64-bit? Thank you for your help.
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