100,000's of HOME invites being sent out today...

Only if they have that realistic when wet look to them. Now if only there was an option to make your johnson bigger...
I wonder if they'll have a beach location? I really want a Manhattan-esque penthouse suite with a night view of a city all lit up.
Rave train by the Motorstorm screen if anyones interested.

Edit: Or virtual sit in, may well come after though...
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He means:

and This

Oh, and an epic bowling match. Starting to see home as more then just a novelty :D

I know ps3ud0 got some more, hopefully his are better quality. Have to organise a massive OcUk party sometime.
LOL that was funny - Rave Train rocked - we had a few people join us.

I doubt my pics are any good (WM phones are shocking as cameras) - will edit if theres anything worthwhile...

Nice bowling win too - was close :p

EDIT: Got a couple of classics :D



ps3ud0 :cool:
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Has everybody visited the few shops that are open in the shopping centre? Sony are giving away free some new clothes, a summer house and furniture for the summer house like sofas, chairs, lights, cactii, rubber ducks. I've had nearly three basketfuls of stuff for nowt! :D

Think this is the list for those who want to know (its all free today)
Threads store (clothing)

-Cowboy Hat
-Hooded Top
-Turtleneck shirt
-Military jacket
-Cargo shorts
-Drainpipe jeans
-Jeans with Turnups
-Basketball boots
-Slip-on Trainers
-Winklepicker shoes

-Denim jacket
-Layered t-shirt
-jeans with turnups
-Smart shorts
-Sweat pants
-Basketball boots
-Walking Sandals
-Work boots
-Star sunglasses

Furniture Store:
-Summer House Chair
-Summer House Armchair
-Summer House Foot Stool
-Summer House Table
-Summer House Light
-Summer House Sofa
-Summer House Ornament
-Blue Robot
-Small Cactus
-Large Cactus
-Large Leaf Plant
-Tiki Mask
-Small Teddy Bear
-Rubber Duck
-Origami Dog
-Model Plane
-Vase with Flowers

Estates Store:
-Summer House
I wonder how much Sony are planning to charge for all these trinkets? I certainly wouldn't be buying a rubber duck for anything more than 1p.
I wonder how much Sony are planning to charge for all these trinkets? I certainly wouldn't be buying a rubber duck for anything more than 1p.

I heard that Home currency is going to have something to do with trophies. So you'll get a set amount of money for a certain trophy class. Not a bad idea, especially once trophy support becomes mandatory.
I just thought I'd log on to see some of this furniture.
I got some of the clothes yesterday, but didn't realise that two stores were open.

There's a patch now, 1.02, 26mb, downloading now.


EDIT: Can't seem to sign in right now though, just getting a Network Error, The Connection to the server was lost D5027.
Probably something to do with the update I guess.
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I'm getting the error too.

Edit; Just tried again and I'm in.

Everyone's running to the shopping centre :p
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OMG i just been on home just to see someone beeing racist to someone else,
there thing he said wasent nice, it offended me too, They need to do something about this.

I reported the person.
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