100,000's of HOME invites being sent out today...

I'm quietly confident that mine will come through in the next few days. Although I'm a beta tester I've not yet been invited to HOME, so we'll see what happens eh? In fairness, I'm not overly interested in HOME, but I *am* curious to see where 18 months of development since it's announcement have gone.

People have whinged and moaned about how long it's taken, but if you consider that it was revealed on the same day as LittleBigPlanet and we've only *just* got that, it doesn't seem quite so bad. That said, it's been in beta stages since the early part of this year, so it's anyones guess really!
the SHEER customisability options for HOME avatars i have to say dwarfs what the NXE offers! looks like theyve went down the realism route whereas NXE is more cartoony
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Bear in mind their are 14 million PS3 accounts. Dunno how many are in SCEE territory but I reckon about 5 million?


last time I saw there where less than 14 million units in people's homes, but the 5 mill for europe sounds about right to me

I'm quietly confident that mine will come through in the next few days. Although I'm a beta tester I've not yet been invited to HOME, so we'll see what happens eh? In fairness, I'm not overly interested in HOME, but I *am* curious to see where 18 months of development since it's announcement have gone.

People have whinged and moaned about how long it's taken, but if you consider that it was revealed on the same day as LittleBigPlanet and we've only *just* got that, it doesn't seem quite so bad. That said, it's been in beta stages since the early part of this year, so it's anyones guess really!

You could also consider that Home is a freebie (although Sony obviously want it out fast to sell more units) while LBP is paid for content - latter would have greater internal impetus as it generates income, Home will also but probably not for some time

You couldn't make this up, if you tried...
Microsoft Exchange servers? :D :confused: :p


hahahahaa - that really made me BOL for real
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last time I saw there where less than 14 million units in people's homes, but the 5 mill for europe sounds about right to me

Close to 17 million PS3's in homes now, and dont forget many have multiple accounts for GB, USA and JPN, 14 million is probably about right i would think.
Ding dong!! My Japan account got an invite on the 30th of October. I really ought to get into the habit of checking that throwaway email address....lol

Assuming that the JP one works fine with my EU PSN Account, as soon as my EU Invite comes through, I'll share it :)
Ding dong!! My Japan account got an invite on the 30th of October. I really ought to get into the habit of checking that throwaway email address....lol

Assuming that the JP one works fine with my EU PSN Account, as soon as my EU Invite comes through, I'll share it :)

Have you tried this yet? Is it "safe" ?

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