100,000th visitor to website to live with porn star.

His life plan has changed forever. He'll probably end up on some Russian reality TV show where he'll get a record contract, then onto LA for the movie deal. He'll get into a rocky romance with a wealthy socialite, thin, blonde, dysfunctional family history and drug dependency. Finally he'll end up dead on the pavement outside the Viper Room when that cocktail of drugs he'd taken was just too much for his body to take:


Or maybe he'll just vanish into obscurity. His 15 minutes of fame forever out of reach in a life destined for ordinary boredom. Still, he'll always have that memory fap to fall back on.
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If this really happens, I reckon the kid will end up spending most of the time playing video games while she invites loads of people round to her hotel room to pass the time.

No way is he providing her with any entertainment beyond the initial deflowering.
Why not? He might be hung like a baboon and be a sensual lover. Maybe they'll spend the whole month in the sack. Or maybe a quickie and a month on the beach. He's still a winner. lol

Could be, but if were a betting man - she'll lose interest quickly and the room will be filled with C-list Russian glitterazzi faster than his first ejaculation.

He might come out the other side mentally damaged and lacking in any sense of self-pride.

Or maybe I'm just jealous?!
His mother says he is 16. Some official list has him at 14. I think I'd take his mothers word over some council document. If you're own mother doesn't know how old you are, then somethings rotten in Denmark.

Or, his mother secretly wants him to go through with it for the PR and the objection is all a big act. She looks like she likes PR.
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