£100 to spend on must have home gym equipment?

7 Nov 2009
So, I've started running and doing it three times a week. I'm around 95 kg and want to get rid of my belly, get fitter and ultimately some definition. Planning on signing up to the gym in a week (after a 5k) however what should I buy for my home?
I'm thinking a bench and a set of Dumbbells. Sure I could pick them up for under £100.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

First time I've done exercise for practically ever, and enjoying it!
I don't think there's any point buying a bench and weights if youre signing up to the gym, £100 doesn't really go that far. i'd supplement youre gym membership with some really useful items like this.

Foam Roller - £10
Cold packs - £5
Pull up bar - £15
Swiss ball - £10
Suspension trainer - £25

maybe a 2nd hand DB set with 30kg's of weight.. don't buy new though, really no point.
Yea resistance bands as well, thought i was forgetting something. Theyre like £10...not expensive at all. Good for balancing out muscle deficiencies, especially if your going to be running frequently. Use them on abductors, adductors and hip flexors, it'll improve your running efficiency and posture masively
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Pick up a chin/dip station, some can be found for under £100 on the rain forest or flea bay. And whilst they can be challenging at first, pull ups, chin ups and dips are superb for building overall upper body strength.
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