101 Movie Posters

71 first go, there's a few that I know but can't remember and some that no matter what I put in it comes up wrong evern though it's correct :(

EDIT: 77 now

Does anyone know what 91 is? I swear it's Harold and Kumar, but no matter what I put in it doesn't recognise
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Aaah the birds of course!! THX1138 I don't think I would have ever got, I've seen it but it was so long ago.
6, 39, 49, 52, 55, 91, 93.... I just know there are at least a couple there I should know.

39. Office Space
49. The Birds
55. Chinatown

I'm 8 short, 6, 13, 14, 35, 37, 65, 91

EDIT: Couldn't remember THX 1138 *kicks self*
13 rosemarys baby
14 stepford wives
35 the people vs larry flynt
65 close encounters of the third kind

Thanks, must have been spelling 65 wrong before as I was sure it was that.

3 left now.

EDIT: 37 is man on wire

still 3 left now I have learned how to count

6 is 30 days of night
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