1080P 60 FPS full ultra games cheapest possible please ASAP

18 Oct 2011
Near Brummie land
Hi all,

Budget is lowest possible it can be max £1200 that will play games for 5 years ish on ultra.

He needs a new set up ASAP for the above please, but the lowest price possible but to play all on ultra on games such as Scum, bfv new COD, siege, squad @ 60fps

His keeping is monitor for now, wants a full set up leave the mouse and keyboard out that will come later.

Wants a 1070 ti and a compatible processor to suit, ideally a corsair Hydro CPU series cooler to fit.

Thank you.
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Thank you very for all the feed back, will pass the information to him so he can decide what package he will get :)
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