10yr wedding anniversary

22 Nov 2010
My 10 year wedding anniversary this month. Was going to take her away for the night for spa treatments etc but that's not happening so I'm guessing a gift would be better.

Anyone got any tips or ideas?
Bring the Spa to her... You give her all that treatment, massage, nails, hot steamy bath and a Facial.... (with creams you dirty so and so's)
Can't believe the facial pun came out on the first reply!

It is 10 years mate, sorry, time to pony up with the diamonds.
Something your wife would value. Which is hard for anyone who doesn't know your wife to give advice on. For all I know, she'd love a well made replica medieval eating knife. Some people would. I'd like nst68's idea in post 3, but some people would regard it as a silly dust-collector.

Also, of course and as always, budget matters. Your skills also matter. For example, if you're a really good cook then a fine dining at home sort of thing might be a good idea. If you're not, it won't be.

As this is GD, here's the "best" idea. Also as this is GD, I'll use the censored version.

Take a trip down memory lane and edit some clips and photos from the past 10 years? Also ring around family and compile some messages seeing as you can’t visit anyone.
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