12 red roses delivered for £20.

She gets a single deep red rose every valentines day. I don't go overboard with the whole thing etc, just seems a bit gauche :rolleyes:
Though I have to admit to getting this wrong a few years ago; instead of a rose, I ended up with a carnation! rofl I was mortified... I'm a bloke, what the hell do I know about flowers, "It's red innit?".
She found it highly amusing though and never fails to remind me of it at this time of year.
pyro said:
I don't have £20, bye bye.

Me and the other half have an agreement about V day, as we don't like the inflated prices. We buy cheap flowers, you can get a bucket load of daffodills off the market for £10. Our romantic meal follows the same lines, it's fish fingers chips and beans for tea on the 14th for us....
M&S roses suck.

Try post a rose.

When i was with my ex and we split up i bought her a single rose every day we split up (red/white/yellow/pink) and then a big bunch of 12 red roses.

She loved them :)
My wife and I never bother now...we know we love each other and have better things to spend our money on (18month old daughter is one!)

Still is the 'not bothering about valentines' womens code for 'you had better buy me something or you sleep with the cat' ? :confused:
AndyBorzi said:
My wife and I never bother now...we know we love each other and have better things to spend our money on (18month old daughter is one!)

Still is the 'not bothering about valentines' womens code for 'you had better buy me something or you sleep with the cat' ? :confused:

All the more special to get her something since she isn't expected it.
Ukadder said:
I'm also single, rather sad time of year. Will be sending a card to somone who I rather like who sadly lives in Japan, sending the card via a friend in the USA so it should be untraceable back to me! (hopefully it will make her smile and wonder who on earth sent it!)

*hope she does not read these forums!

westy is that you?

If so hello from a fellow uni of essex football team member!

I ordered from m+s but i am having second thoughts from the replies so far!
Piggymon said:
I've never ever had any flowers :(
Me neither.....until a few months ago a friend sent me a huge bunch for my birthday and then it just felt distinctly creepy because I really didn't think I was that close to him for flowers :s
Have M&S flower quality gone down hill recently then - aimed at those that were saying they were crap etc.

It's only I used M&S last year as they had a similar offer.
Flowers were delivered on the 14th - middle of the morning and they were excellent.
Exactly what they said on the tin - a dozen red roses.
They were just starting to open and we got a good week out of them before they started to go (which wasn't bad for roses).
Anyone know if these M&S Rose's come with a card or something to say who its from? I know Valentines are often meant to be anonymous, but if I pay for them I want to be sure she knows its from me and not give someone else a head start at my expense! :p

Also I can't see if it says, whens the latest you can order them for a definite feb 14th delivery? I suppose I should give M&S a call.
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Piggymon said:
I've never ever had any flowers :(

Aww, Piggy. Here, have some virtual ones:


They're white because you don't like pink. Im taking the mrs out to a really nice restruant and I'll be getting some white roses like those.
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