125 bike

5 Apr 2009
West Midlands
I'm 16 a the mo on a 50cc hairdryer which I know you all love! (It is a 4 stroke though so not as annoying sounding) My Birthday is in March, a way off I know but just want to start looking for ideas for a 125 bike for when I'm 17. I'm not an idiot on the road so don't trying to start educating me etc. My moped is restricted and does 30mph which although is painful at times when travelling down a 40mph road, at least is legal. :p

Anyway, onto suggestions. I definitely want a dirt-bike style bike as well, they just look cooler IMO, more fun to ride, can go more places, lighter, higher up off the ground. I think the budget will be about £800 odd just for the bike, insurance etc doesn't matter at the moment. Any suggestions for a 125cc dirt bike for that kind of price range?

Cheers. :)
Are you wanting to stay four stroke or would two stroke be okay mate?. I'm thinking either DT125 or XR125, whatever you do...stay away from anything cheap and Chinese!!!
4 stroke definitely. Far less hassle and maintenance. You say stay away from Chinese but my dad's had a 200cc Shineray for 5 years (Chinese bike) and it hasn't failed him once so he tells me. Electric start has failed once he said and rear indicator needed replacing but other than that, it's still going strong.

How does something like this look?
Shineray GY125
The main problem with the chinese stuff is although there very cheap, they dont hold there value at all ! and as most 125s are only bought for a couple of months, you lose quite a bit of money compared to the japense stuff.

A couple year old cg or ybr & you wont loose a penny on it as theres always decent demand.
In with a curve ball and a Honda City Fly? For me it'd be a DT125 as I love you Yamaha 2 Strokes still miss my TZR125 18 months on
DT125 is a good choice. or if you want to go all strange check the Suzuki Van Van.

I had an 87 DT125 and have a decent height on them
Hmm thinking more towards a 2 stroke now as they definitely seem more powerful and both the Yamaha DT125 and Honda XR125 look excellent.
Which bike would be better do you guys think? A Yamaha XT 125 or a Yamaha DT 125? The XT is 4 stroke whilst the DT being a 2 stroke so I'd expect the XT to be pushing about 80+ miles to the gallon however MCN only says it gets 55 miles to the gallon which is worse than it's 2 stroke brother which gets 60 miles to the gallon according to them. Any thoughts?

Also would there be noticeably more power on the DT as it has 2-3 more BHP and is a 2 stroke. I think I'd be more inclined for the DT as there are more of them (cheaper) and it will have slightly more power and still have decent miles to gallon.
I have a 4 stroke 50cc now and it's just hideously underpowered. I don't want that to be the case when I get a 125 too.
I have a 4 stroke 50cc now and it's just hideously underpowered. I don't want that to be the case when I get a 125 too.

It's underpowered because it's 50cc!

If there's only 2-3 hp difference between the two 125s you are looking at, it's not enough to even worry about.
So you think the XT could reach 70 without much fuss? That's as fast as I want to go I think. :p

Apparently the DT uses 0.5-1 litre of fuel for every 100KM I think it was KM anyway compared to the XT. So won't be paying that much more for petty. Dunno how much 2 stroke oil it eats though and how expensive it is. Do you need to mix it yourself for the DT or just pop it in and it mixes itself?
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So you think the XT could reach 70 without much fuss? That's as fast as I want to go I think. :p

Apparently the DT uses 0.5-1 litre of fuel for every 100KM I think it was KM anyway compared to the XT. So won't be paying that much more for petty. Dunno how much 2 stroke oil it eats though and how expensive it is. Do you need to mix it yourself for the DT or just pop it in and it mixes itself?

My Yamaha YBR125 did 70. It didn't do much more than that though. Bear in mind that any learner legal two stroke 125 you buy will be similar because they are restricted in order to meet the learner bike regs.

As for the two stroke oil, I have no idea. Some bikes have a separate tank for it, some don't. You'd have to check.
Pretty sure it doesn't fail it's MOT as it is still road legal. Plenty of people I know have derestricted 50's MOT'd and passed.
Wont fail an MOT, my TZR was fitted with servo etc so ~30bhp, MOT never said anything, it did a ton side by side with a mates bandit.
How often do you think it would need maintaining other then regular oil and 2 stroke oil and cleaning etc? I've read you should get a new piston every year for 2 strokes, is this true?
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