12th gen and I know nothing

10 Nov 2006
Coming from a binned and delidded 8700k I played about with plenty of overclocking in my time with it. Now I have a 12700kf and it feels like I know nothing.

I set XMP in the bios and fired up windows did some stressing while looking at HWmonitor and I see cores only boosting to 4700mhz not the 4900/5g advertised. Jump back in the bios there's default profiles such as gaming and max performance which give 4.8g - don't like the idea of using these anyway. I enabled Multi core enhancement and lone behold I get 5g on all performance cores but at the cost of some nutty 1.41volts.

So questions: without overclocking how do I get my CPU to boost to it's advertised clocks

What are these memory gears, never heard of them before does this replace XMP or can I run both.

Where's load line calibration these days? Is it done away with?

When overclocking should I just start with 5g on all Pcores at 1.3v and see how I get on.

Using a z690 Gigabyte Gaming X MB with a H150i LCD AIO 360mm BTW.
OK been playing all day and answered most of my own questions, the last one I have outstanding is trying to set all cores to 5 or 5.1g. When I do this I have 2 cores hitting 5 or 5.1g but the rest still sit at 4.9g, is this normal behaviour? Anyway round it or is it boost 2.0 limiting me
Using sync all cores or active turbo ratio? with sync all core should be all boosting to running at whatever you set in bios? unless something is effective cores? voltage ,temps?

Yes they are all sync'd to 5g, after looking a bit deeper I'm getting a solid 5g in normal work loads and cinebench, soon as I run Prime95 or OCCT I get scores dropping to 4.9. No AVX offset is set though.
Volts at 1.3v and temps high 50s
there must default avx setting you need to change? set manually avx offset to 0?surely cpu is detecting avx instruction set and is downclocking per core?

Hmm don't make sense with 0 offset should be all core at 5.1 not matter what? :confused: using adpative voltage or fixed?
cpu cores enabling mode? whats that? disable e core etc?
XTU - Normal CPU stress is fine staying at set 5g OC, AVX or AVX 2 though same thing hitting 4.9 on most cores.
Deffo AVX related but how is it getting by when I've set it to 0, bizarre.
so does Cinebench show that you are hitting all cores at 5ghz as you would expect with your settings..?
Also, if you have a suitable overlay does it show 5Ghz in games for all cores...?

albeit not AL this is what I mean by playing a game and seeing the core Mhz................


the above is from my 9900k running at 5.1. You can see each core running at that speed.

I suppose I'll have to try and figure it all out when my board and 12700k arrive.

Surprised that there isn't any LLC - I used that a lot with my 9900k. Is it replaced with another name..?
Yes Cinebench shows all cores working away at the set overclock even though this uses AVX, as does the overlay when gaming. It's prime95 and OCCT etc that triggers it.

Done some more playing and even with the AVX offset set at 0 in the bios if I flick Intels extreme overclocking software to include an offset of say -2 then I put it back to 0 again this appears to set it fine from this point onwards and fix the problem. I'm guessing it's a bios update for the board needed as it appears to ignore my AVX offset at times.
I've searched the internet and appear to be the only person with this issue, or the only one that's noticed it so far.

I found LLC in the end, it was just hiding.
Perhaps you are most likely the only person who has noted it so far, with that particular board.
I had mentioned elsewhere that it took Gigabyte some time, and many BIOS releases, before they ironed out issues with the Z390 Master. XMP Memory setting issues and also retaining settings between boots was an issue initially.

Are you overall impressed with what this brings to you over your 8700k...?
Yeah to say I'm running them at the same speed of 5g on all cores, I have noticed a considerable bump in performance, obviously I have more cores and threads now but it runs much cooler, BF 2042 see's mid 40c's and none AVX stressing mid 60c's. I got a nice 20fps jump also in BF2042, CPU usage while fine on the 8700k ran between 60-80%, it's not down to 25% on the 12700kf :)
8th Gen there was loads of guides flying around with secret little settings to tweak, hardly anything on this gen. I struggle to get anything more than 5g (allcore) out of mine which is nice and stable at 1.28v but soon as I move to 5.1 I can't get it 100% with 1.350 so going to leave it there I think
Been having a little play with overclocking myself as there doesn't seem to be much in the way of guides, tips etc.

Anyway, in my case using the Asus Strix gaming D4.
XMP profile 1 (not sure the difference between 1 & 2)
Sync all P Cores 51
Sync all E Cores 39
Left voltage as auto, gave me 1.34 under load.

Only managed a few runs on 3dMark but seems fine so far, will try lowering voltages until it falls over.
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