I enforced all limits and set a -0.05v offset
That's all I did. All P cores hover between 5.4 and 5.5Ghz
Cinebench run scored 39,140 after the full 10(?) mins
Temps never went over 86c
I get annoying crashes in games though, not all the time, but every so often and it's related to my ram. They stop if I disable XMP. I had fixed them by giving the ram a bit more juice on top of the XMP profile but I recently updated to the latest bios and now giving the ram the extra 0.05v isn't fixing it anymore. I get the feeling it's simply a **** motherboard and I'd have been better off getting a decent Z690 board instead of this budget (still expensive though) Z790 board. It's the Asus Z790M Plus D4. It's an entry level Z790 board, but I needed mATX and it's pretty much the only option. Tempted to get rid and go for a Z690 board and DDR5. I'm guessing all the bugs have been ironed out of the Z690 boards by now and I can get a decent one for less than this cost. I know the ram isn't the problem as it's been fine for years on previous builds.