What are the best 140mm case fans in peoples experiences? which hum? which don't? and what have people returned because they were just too loud?
I was looking at Noctua AF14 but then see people on reddit etc saying they have annoying humming sounds, seems artic p14 are supposed to be good?
Rather stay away from Corsair seems they are more bothered about bling than actual performance, lianli l140 are tempting though but seems they have not so great quality control and some come with bad bearings.
so whats peoples real world experience and go to fans? seems I can't just look at the decibels when the resonance hum makes all the difference
I was looking at Noctua AF14 but then see people on reddit etc saying they have annoying humming sounds, seems artic p14 are supposed to be good?
Rather stay away from Corsair seems they are more bothered about bling than actual performance, lianli l140 are tempting though but seems they have not so great quality control and some come with bad bearings.
so whats peoples real world experience and go to fans? seems I can't just look at the decibels when the resonance hum makes all the difference