15 dying MacBooks?

My Macbook is almost 2 years ld, 222 cycles and 99% battery health. It feels as good as new today, regularly get 3+ hours out of it.
tim80bwi, why not just call Apple?

Never know you might just be able to blag 15 replacement batteries :)

For a grand's worth of batteries, it might be worth a shot! :D

Will be giving it a go this week.

My Macbook is almost 2 years ld, 222 cycles and 99% battery health. It feels as good as new today, regularly get 3+ hours out of it.

Congrats :)
90 minutes, i'd say. bit pants.

Although I am impressed that it's held up this long considering how many cycles it's been through.
clv101 and Hate, what are your battery's full charge capacities?

Mine says this right now, running on battery, 73% charge:

Battery Information:

Manufacturer: DP
Device name: ASMB013
Pack Lot Code: 0001
PCB Lot Code: 0000
Firmware Version: 0102
Hardware Revision: 0300
Cell Revision: 0100
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh): 3615
Fully charged: No
Charging: No
Full charge capacity (mAh): 4931
Health Information:
Cycle count: 222
Condition: Good
Battery Installed: Yes
Amperage (mA): -1237
Voltage (mV): 11563
You're Charge Remaining means nothing unless you consider the maximum Charge Capacity.


2400mAh means nothing on it's own.. if you had a maximum charge capacity of 5000mAh then you can determine that if the battery is dying (if the charge never exceeds 2400mAh when fully charged).
Just a bit of an update...

All batteries were replaced free of charge by Apple, no questions asked, under an existing recall. Very happy with that outcome. :)
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