16:10 - How I miss thee

Using 3 x U2410's in portrait surround 3600x1920 with splits setup and it is so good for productivity only thing letting it down is gaming performance.
I'm still using my Dell 3007 2560x1600 30". I've had it since 2007 and still can't find anything I am happy to replace it with.

Same, i would love a new monitor, and i think the 3007 is starting to fail, but there not one out there that i'm happy with
Well my son is happy. He loves my Dell 3007 because of the 30" 16:10 2560x1600. Rids was just giving away a Hazro HZ30Wie which has exactly that. So I collected iteit this evening. It's a large monitor but he loves it so far.
Well my son is happy. He loves my Dell 3007 because of the 30" 16:10 2560x1600. Rids was just giving away a Hazro HZ30Wie which has exactly that. So I collected iteit this evening. It's a large monitor but he loves it so far.

What I find weird now with 16:10 is it feels like a giant fancy 4:3 display.
I gamed in 4:3 17", then 4:3 21", then 16:10 24" but it wasn't exactly a gaming monitor, moved to current 16:9 120Hz and did miss the :10. I don't fancy ultrawide, I guess I'm stuck with 16:9. Maybe there is hope with MicroLED tech (which is years away from being affordable).
Well my son is happy. He loves my Dell 3007 because of the 30" 16:10 2560x1600. Rids was just giving away a Hazro HZ30Wie which has exactly that. So I collected iteit this evening. It's a large monitor but he loves it so far.

Best dad ever.

What I find weird now with 16:10 is it feels like a giant fancy 4:3 display.

Are you moaning? You should be very grateful for your dad's gift, you spoiled brat!
I still have an old 2707 16:10 Dell monitor on an older system, I love it, I wish they still made 16:10 screens
currently using a 34" ultrawide on my main gaming rig, but I miss 16:10
I dumped two perfect CRT (21and a 17 inch) 16:10 monitors a couple of years ago that cost me around £1200 back in the day.

Literally couldn't give them away.

Don't miss them in the slightest, prefer my UW 3440x1440 in every way.
I still have an old 2707 16:10 Dell monitor on an older system, I love it, I wish they still made 16:10 screens
currently using a 34" ultrawide on my main gaming rig, but I miss 16:10
A bit of a thread bump, but today I found out that Lenovo still sell a couple of 16:10 monitors: Thinkvision T25d and T25m
Temporarily reverted from a triple setup to a single Dell U2412M purely for retro gaming. I wanted to convert a spare PC to a Windows XP gaming machine.

The first time around when the Dell was originally released, it had a horrible anti glare coating and suffered from sparkling/smudgy picture as a result. Nonetheless, the underlying image quality was excellent.

Got rid and picked up another not so long ago, since recent reviews advised that the anti-glare was far less aggressive.

It does it make a difference!

Not the best gaming monitor (for casual I think its great) playing Half Life, GTA and Far Cry at 1600 x 1200, it looks awesome.
A bit of a thread bump, but today I found out that Lenovo still sell a couple of 16:10 monitors: Thinkvision T25d and T25m

Another small bump from me. I've been a satisfied user of a Dell U2412 and then a Dell U2415. Unless I've missed something out, it seems that all of the Dell Ultrasharps after U2415 got nerfed down to 16:9. A pity as Ultrasharp was a separate line from the other Dell ranges and they could have keep that as 16:10 to keep that line going.

Thanks for the heads up on the 2 Thinkvisions. I will keep the U2415 for as long as possible then will go for a Thinkvision when the U2415 fails.

The importance of 16:10 to me is because I only have 1 eye. A monitor as square as possible is therefore better for me. 4:3 would have been even better, although the 4:3 LCD screens only went up to 20". Anything over 20" was widescreen.
I love 16:10 as well. My Dell 2405 finally gave up this year after almost 15 years use. To think I debated dropping £500 on that! It went with a bang and much smoke.
Maybe just me being weird but I am thinking of getting a 1920x1200 as I just cannot shake the feeling that I miss 16:10.

Anyone presently game in 16:10 or am I missing a blatant alternative?

I love ultra wide gaming but in some games, I feel I am missing something by not having 16:10.

For me, 16:10 was a great aspect ratio.
2nd'ed/3rd'ed or whatever :)

16:10 should be better than 16:9. Sadly in software you always ended up with H- rather than V+. That's probably why there's even a debate. More pixels/viewable area should win every time!
I love 16:10 as well. My Dell 2405 finally gave up this year after almost 15 years use. To think I debated dropping £500 on that! It went with a bang and much smoke.

I remember that feeling back in 2005 getting that monitor. :D

It's still in use to this day.
Most people run their apps fullscreen as fiddling around with window sizes all the time is a compromise and faff.

Instead of a nice fullscreen 16:10 view, we get a complete waste of horizontal and lack of vertical space on ultrawides like this:


Original link for image

When working I have a Dell 16:10 next to an Acer 38" 21:9. Neither are perfect. If I was buying again I would probably look for a monitor perhaps max 34" wide, not curved and with as much vertical resolution as possible.

Just a thought, in the monitor picture above, imagine that monitor display starting a couple of inches from the desk and continuing up to the same height. An ultrahigh/ultraheight monitor perhaps? Who here would purchase one of those?
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