160 Gig Seagate Trouble?

It's in the HDU sticky but :)

You need windows SP2 installed to even see the rest of the 22GB lost - yes it will be 22GB ;). After installing Windows SP2, Right-click My computer > Manage > Disk Management > You see the black unpartitioned space? Format that and you will get the 22GB back, though as a different partition. If you have SP2 installed, look in the sticky for the microsoft fix and try again with disk management.
Whats wrong with SP2, its a must, you shouldnt be online without it, makes things worste for others. (its as secure as can be) as nothing is 100%.

Ok I only regged to ask Smids about new 150 raptors, how fast will I see approx on silicon onboard controler on pci bus as 133Mb is bottleneck if i raid0 2 of these.

I get 60MB sustained now on a near dead 9 month old (badly need format but got 286gig to burn to dvd9's :eek: ) install on a maxtor diamondmax 10 300gig 16MB.

I aint so much into video encoding as I used to but I do lots of raring and unraring and gamming, i can unrar 350Mb avi in 17secs now or 700MB avi in 30secs which is ok for needing a format.

The reason i ask you is you seem to know your drives apart from slagging maxtors which aint been bad drives for years now, but i wont use after seagate take over so looks like WD for me, Ive read all throufg posts but its all bit mix and match so far some even slating the new drives inc guy on phone at OcUK when I asked him about them.

P.S sorry I hijacked thread got bit carried away waiting on season 2 of 24 at 4am
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Heavily bus limited Humey. It should hit about 135-140Mb/s on a PCI-E bus, so probably about 90-95MB/s depending on what else is loaded onto your PCI bus. They are fast, and even one 150GB would be fine tbh as it wouldn't be as limited. My one on the PCI-E bus on a SIL 3132 gets 78MB/s average read in HDtach. Have you seen my poll? Maxtors :rolleyes: Sorry :p.

And yes, what is wrong with SP2? They fixed all the problems from the initial month.
Yes seen poll, doesnt mean much to me as im happy with maxtors, everyone has a tale to tell and thats for every brand, most probably dont chkdsk or defrag regularly, I didnt like maxtor before they took over quantom

Ok back to my raid set up, thats bad, I dont want 1 drive doing 78MB and 2 drives doing little over that, hmm, i have only 1 pci card > creative audigy2 ZS soon to be swapped to X-FI, I dont like onboard sound.

I have no clue what to do, I suppose google like mad and see old results for when maxtor diamond max 9 was new and reviewed on the sil 3112 controler cause all diamondmax 10's seems to be using NF4 or intel for reviews.

If dropping use of soundcard would help, I still dont think I could live with onboard.

I would 100% appreciate any input to anyone running any raid set up on eide or sata on a onboard controler or pci card not onchip like NF4.

Smids another apect I dont get is these SATA300 pci cards that plug into a 133MB bus lol :confused: < how can they even run 150 nevermind 300, I did read it depends if the pci bus supports only 33mhz or 33/66mhz, but im little ignorent in this area.

Fact is I dont want to spend £400 + and not get 110-120Mb/sec, I seem to be faster then average at 60MB now on a old messed up windows install badbly needing formated, and thats testing it with 4 different apps all get 58-60 over 12 runs each for average read, I cant test write as it will lose my data.
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It's probably cheaper to get a nice PCI-E motherboard (or the ASrock Dual AGP/PCI-e) and then use a PCI-e RAID card (I got a 2 port SIL3132 one for £17).
No thanks lol, I may build my customers 64bit amds and install XP32 bit as the 64bit has lack of support IMO, but im on this rig till Vista, simply as i bought a £410 6800Ultra agp as new in nov04 so I want to get use out it and I also run amd 2600 mobile at 2.8gig with 250/500fsb, with 2 gig of ram so I can do anything for now inc any game.

AMD new socket is nearly here with ddr2, no way im buying that in few months or or current near end of life 939 and then I again will want new kit with Vista.

It seems I will actually need buy 2 150 raptors to see what I hit in tranfers unless someone beats me to it and posts results (on Silicon onboard controlers).
Humey, I'm all for IBM's, now taken over by Hitachi.

All bar one, they have been solid drives for me.

As for Maxtor's, I would never touch them - not even for a swap drive. I've see enough dead Maxtors, to use them as bricks to build a (small :p) house. :eek:

Perhaps you would be better off creating your own thread, rather than hijacking others? Maybe then, you'll get a better response from the forums. ;)
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