160gb deskstar vs 160gb spinpoint?

3 Jul 2005
well,, i will be getting a backup hard drive.. It doesnt matter about like warranty.. I just need a quiet drive (spinpoint) but it needs to be fast. and if the deskstars faster (tell me how much faster) then i will get that. but will the deskstar be quiet?
if quite is more important the i would go for the sinpoint ive got both and in real world you wont tell the difference in speed but i do find the sinpoint that little bit quiter
I have the Hitachi Deskstar T7K250 NCQ 250GB SATA-II 8MB Cache, find it fast, Average read in HD Tach, 56MB/s +, but also find it very quiet.
I'd always choose spinpoints. I've had one 3 years now & it hasn't missed a beat. Can't even hear it either & yes, it's fast too ;)
My Hitachi is faster than my older samsung by about 7MBps sustained. However it is louder, and you can faintly hear it if you listen when its doing heavy work. (AAM set to off)

My samsung I only heard over the fans about 5 times during the entire 2 years I used it, so its quieter, but not heavily so, as the hitachi is pretty quiet anyway.
Another for the Spinpoint, have both the speed difference is harly noticeable unless you want every last bit, but the noise is in another league. And I've had 2 hitaachi drives fail out of 4 but the Spinpoint is still going strong.
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