17 year old girl allowed to kill herself Legally

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3 Oct 2003

I don't know why this is allowed to happen to someone at the age of 17, at that age you don't even know what's happening with your own body you have all sorts of feelings dragging you everywhere.

I did read she was raped and had a lot of issues but that does not mean her future is doomed. She was physically fine and could have contributed to society.

Perhaps she would have committed suicide anyway but in no way should it be allowed by the authorities.

This sets a dangerous precedent and is tbh disgusting, liberalism and freedom gone too far in this case.
I think cases like this potentially undermine the introduction of what would otherwise be a rather useful facility to have in this country for people who are suffering from terminal illness, chronic pain etc....

Having it on demand for people with depression seems to be stretching it a bit... especially if it is able to be used by a depressed teen.
See the trouble with this is her life was given as a gift.

I don’t really see how anyone has the right to do this, especially at 17.

Kind of sick being honest.
Dutch law allows euthanasia when each of the following conditions are met:
  • The patient's suffering is unbearable with no prospect of improvement
  • The request to end their life must be voluntary (without the influence of mental illness and drugs) and persist over time
  • The patient must be fully aware of their condition, prospects and options
  • A second, independent doctor must confirm the above conditions are met
  • The death must be carried out in a medically appropriate fashion with the doctor present
  • The patient is at least 12 years old, and patients under 16 require parental consent
  • Afterwards the doctor must report the cause of death to the municipal coroner
People with depression so bad that they see death as the only way out of it will find a way to kill themselves. At least this would be a pain free way to go, with no risk of ending up as a vegetable if their suicide attempt goes wrong. People who haven't had depression will never understand what it's like. I don't think anyone this age should be able to do this, but they would find another way anyway. Like the 12yo girl that hung herself recently :(.
I suppose the alternative would be throwing herself off a building, or in front of a train. This is probably less traumatic for all involved than either of those options.
I personally know people who experienced horrific abuse, yet, with years of counseling, managed to continue with their lives and find happiness. This just seems like a permanent solution to what very likely could have been a temporary and resolvable issue. Very sad.
It might meet the ‘criteria’ but it’s still not right. She is a kid at 17 ffs

So she'd have a lifetime of "unbearable suffering with no prospect of improvement". At 17 she could be married, having kids, fighting for her country ie old enough to be considered an adult. Decisions like this aren't taken lightly, and getting through the requirements are not easy. She didn't just wander in, say she felt "a bit down" and they killed her. There would have been years of ongoing trauma including the kind of mental and emotional torment that few people are unlucky enough to experience, with no end in sight and no effective treatment.
See the trouble with this is her life was given as a gift.

I don’t really see how anyone has the right to do this, especially at 17.

Kind of sick being honest.
Her life was given as a gift? To whom? To her? How does that work?

Parents decide to have kids. Parents have kids. New kids had no say in being brought into the world.

And yet you say her life was given as a gift? Again, to whom? To her? How can you gift life to someone who doesn't exist? None of that makes any sense.

If a person is miserable and broken then what kind of gift was it? The article doesn't say who raped her, but in some cases it is the family and even the father. What kind of a gift is that?

She shouldn't kill herself because her life is a gift? I can't get my head around this at all.
I suppose the alternative would be throwing herself off a building, or in front of a train. This is probably less traumatic for all involved than either of those options.
Also spare a thought for the train drivers, some of whom find it impossible to return to work after something like that. And often need lengthy counselling.

This is much better. She was obviously committed to ending her life, and this seems to be the most dignified way possible.
I've watched a couple of documentaries about assisted suicide.

My opinion tbh is people should be allowed to do what they want and allowed to die with dignity. It's better to be able to choose when / how rather than some other horrible method with the chance of failure that could lead to disfigurement....

However, I do think 17 may be on the young side to be able to make such a decision. I also believe anything such as assisted suicide should be an absolute last resort once every other avenue has been explored.

But this whole life is a gift thing LOL? you are kidding right? for a lot of people life is downright nothing but horrible and riddled with suffering... oh please with those empty platitudes...
However, I do think 17 may be on the young side to be able to make such a decision. I also believe anything such as assisted suicide should be an absolute last resort once every other avenue has been explored.

I expect that because she was so young, her wish was scrutinized very carefully. She wasn't some 90 year old man who lived a full life and didn't want to go through his last few months being eaten by cancer and doped to the eyeballs. That would have been a relatively straightforward decision for the doctors.

Instead the medical professionals involved would have looked at Noa as someone who could have a potentially long and productive life, if she could have been treated and cured to any sort of acceptable level. The fact that doctors agreed to her wishes, against the wishes of her parents, show how utterly dire things must have been for her. I'm sure the doctors and her family would have done anything and everything for Noa to avoid getting to this last resort.

There's a bit of a longer article here (sorry, Daily Mail).
Find it surprising that people in here think that you should be forced to live if you don't want to. (Actually I guess it isn't surprising - its natural instinct).

If someone wants to end their life, it is far better if they can do it peacefully and without endangering others by walking in front of a bus or train or something.
Her life, her choice.
I agree with this tbh.
As I have got older I have changed my opinions on stuff like this.
I used to be in the all life is sacred, all life has value camp, but now honestly I know that isn't true.
The world is a ***** place for some people and on a case by case basis, if you wanted to do it and could do it "cleanly" for everyone related, the stigma shouldn't be there.
As others have said there is nothing stopping a determined person from doing it themself, if that's how they want to.
I think it's going to become a common practice in the next 100 years.

I just wish that population control and climate activists could have a similar selfcure, the ultimate sacrifice to mother earth's wellbeing. (That is tongue in cheek)
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