
Just why do you live so far away from everything Si?

Edit: Add my to MSN/send me an email if anyone fancies playing :)
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Hmm... I don't have a job yet, so no :p

We need to do another food shop really...

Edit: We have biscuits but no tea or coffee :p
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Looks like I may be going to Global Gaming for a bit tomorrow to meet the guys there and play some SFIV/KOFXII. For those into the SFIV tournament scene, it's where Europe's best SFIV player, Ryan Hart, won his entry to the SVB tournament.

Looks like there is a group who play here, so no more crappy online SFIV for me :p

I'm still looking for people to play locally though, and I'll only be there for a few hours tomorrow.
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I'm going to be heading off to Global Gaming at 5.30 today, so if anyone wants to come along feel free. It's £6 for 7 hours (5PM to midnight) and they have all the equipment at the venue.

I'll be the one with the coolest arcade stick.
Have you got the link for that? Google seems to find loads of sites/groups/magazines called global gaming and I'm not even sure what I'm looking for

Their website is crap, but they say to ignore that on the forums:

Are you considering coming down today?

Alright mate, maybe a bit far for you, but its only a trip on the metro, i know a lad who goes to a event in revolution held every so many thursday night's in wolvo town and he said there was some very good players who bring there own sticks. I've yet to go to one of these but i'm intrigued to find out what its like.

I'll see if i can find out a bit more info.

It'll be great to do that when I've improved a bit :)

I used to live in Telford so know Wolvo quite well.
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Just got back, it was excellent fun and they've got a superb Chun Li player there :)

It's so nice not having any lag. I tried playing online whilst there and even the 5 green bars (they have a great connection with 2Mb upload :eek:) felt sluggish.

There were about 8 fighting game players there, playing SFIV, SFII, Soul Calibur IV, Tekken 5 (I think), BlazBlue and KOFXII. This wasn't one of their official nights so it was only £3 (instead of £4) and normally they have 30-40 players there!

Very friendly bunch and I highly recommend coming along if you're even remotely interested in fighting games.

I could have kept playing until midnight but as I brought a load of kit with me I didn't want to risk walking back so late. They also have a selection of PS3's, 360's and about 10 screens for console games so all you need to bring is a stick, but the people there are happy to share :)
If I was abit more local Kreeeee I would be down there like a shot to give your Balrog a good hiding. :p

I'll spank you offline too :)

I've improved more in the 4 hours of offline competitive play than I have in 30 hours of online play/offline training mode.
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