
Just been out for food with the lass I mentioned and I'm off on the bike again to visit my mum.

Great trip guys, definitely up for it again some time!
I enjoyed it,certainly picked the right day,

the views and quietness were fantastic:D

I only took two pics:(



next run I fancy wales/rhyl maybe:p,you were good chaps to ride with tho
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I certainly learnt how to lean riding with you!

A full day trip to Wales would be awesome.

Here are some pics of the destination:





I also have 3 hours of 1080p30 GoPro footage that I will probably never do anything with :p
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Yea Rhyl/North Wales sounds good! Some amazing scenery and roads up there. Definitely want to do Horseshoe pass

I also have 3 hours of 1080p30 GoPro footage that I will probably never do anything with :p

Aha, lock it away and hope the authorities never see it :D
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Looks like a nice ride guys. Clee Hill is stunning, went there as a regular tourist on the way back from the fantastic town of Ludlow and loved it. Also nice in that general area is Long Mynd.

Maybe I'll join you on a ride when I graduate from my 125!
@Participant you should have come you would have kept up

EDIT: I thought of the Malvern hills aswell,its nice around there but ideally wales next for me anyway
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A short clip of our destination:

I can't believe how much youtube butchers the quality, even if you select the 1080p setting!
Wish I had an r6 :p

I had a green ER6F briefly last year, had just bought the bike and then found out I was being "made redundant" along with 40 others where I worked.. So couldn't afford to keep it tbh.

I'm free on the 25th to 28th if that's good?
yh fine by me,did you fix that rattle?

Kind of... the bracket on the exhaust has come off (could be welded back on), but as it was the middle bracket of 3 that holds a cover plate onto the exhaust it wasn't needed and I dremel'd the rusted bolt off. If I have problems I'll use a jubilee clip there.

I have since lost a bolt on the fairing though!

Edit: 25th-28th works for me!
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