
I like some bits, but I get stressed if I work on such a critical component. Fairing, oil, accessories, cleaning, lubricating (giggity) etc is good fun for example.

I also don't have a garage and tools as I live in a block of flats which doesn't help!
ive done most jobs,brake pads and caliper rebuilds,chain/rear sprocket change,sprocket carrier bearings

head bearings/oil filter/plugs change

jobs i hate are fork seals and front sprocket,they are hard work imo

would really love to do my valve clearances but again that's a big operation
Yeah, I did valve clearances on my ZX9R which took half a day! It's more like half an hour on the GS!

No fun without a garage though
Well you then subtract the cost of the tools from that amount, and then add on the risk of me doing it wrong and having to get someone to sort it anyway, without me being able to get the bike to them.

Plus you have the time factor, and my time is far more precious than my cash.

What I'm saying is that you don't actually need any special tools, they just make the job easier. Assuming you already have a decent socket set and a Dremel or file then it's possible. If you don't already own these basic tools then I agree that it will cost more than getting the job done by someone else.
Almost wish I hadn't - was one of the best 'real world' bikes I've owned. Had quite a few bikes since then, but settled on the GS now which I've had for 2 years. Can't imagine changing again to be honest, not even for the new GS which I didn't like when I test rode it.
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