186mph... through traffic?



2 Jun 2003
In the top 1%
At 186 miles per hour, the world is leaping forward at you at 84 metres per second - thats a hell of a speed on unknown, unpredictable roads, but blasting past traffic? This guy was lucky his brakes were good IMO! Scrubs off about 125 mph in ~3s! Not to mention the windage from those lorries that can often knock a small car about a bit when passing!


More balls than me, thats for sure!
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Ghostrider only hits his top speeds on the bits with no traffic (in the videos I have seen, anyway) - when he is going through traffic the chase bike is doing ~230-240kph and GR doesnt seem to be passing fast enough to be going 180+mph.

The video of that guy in real traffic is pretty hardcore though!

The reason I posted (before I knew it was a journo) was that it just seemed like an average bloke that decided to film himself blasting past lorries etc at 300kph. GR clearly posesses some skills which somehow make his videos a bit less shocking. I likened this vid to just an average joe getting on a nuts fast bike and going berserk.
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