186mph... through traffic?



2 Jun 2003
In the top 1%
At 186 miles per hour, the world is leaping forward at you at 84 metres per second - thats a hell of a speed on unknown, unpredictable roads, but blasting past traffic? This guy was lucky his brakes were good IMO! Scrubs off about 125 mph in ~3s! Not to mention the windage from those lorries that can often knock a small car about a bit when passing!


More balls than me, thats for sure!
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That's a rather ancient video of a swedish motorbike tv magazine testing the new (at the time) cbr1000 IIRC.

Ok it goes fast in a straight line but it's not through traffic and to be honest it wasn't that dangerous.

Someone like Ghostrider who in my opinion is a legend is far more dangerous antisocial selfish and skillfull in his riding.

That video doesn't leave me going :eek: or :cool: really.
This is germany I think. He does 300 to 120kph in 5 seconds roughly, are those stock brakes? Nice weaving going on, I wonder if he could have gone round if he had to.

It looks more impressive in the video because our line of sight is reduced by the heavy video compression
Freefaller said:
Someone like Ghostrider who in my opinion is a legend is far more dangerous antisocial selfish and skillfull in his riding.

Is that the guy that did some crazy move - riding at a high speed then turning himself facing backwards and sticking his fingers up at the police? :eek:
Pffft, you really should watch the Dark Prince's run around the Peripherique (Paris ring road).


Which was later copied by Ghostrider. The guy is completely nuts and there are a number of rumours he died trying it a second time. It's a wonder he wasn't killed doing it the first time!

I believe you can get the full video of this from Duke videos if you want to see more.
Pretty tame to be honest. Shakey on a Booooosssaaaaa is my favourite vid. The fast bike vids are the way to go.
not anywhere near as :eek: as i thought it'd be.

ghostrider isn't good he's just tight, doesn't want to buy new front tyres :D
Speaking of Ghostrider... did anyone see the footage (I think on Ghostrider 2) of him and another driver racing through busy streets in a Scoob and an Evo :eek:

Came mighty close several times to stacking it into other traffic!

/Makes mental note to watch GR2 tonight :cool:
How I love the acceleration of a nice big bike :)

I'm not sure I'd like a turbocharged bike, I'd be a bit concerned about coming off the back when the turbo kicked in. I've not problems gving the 'blade a fist full of throttle all the way up through the box (on my private test track, obviously) but I know that the power delivery I'll get is nice and smooth.

I miss my bike :(
Ghostrider only hits his top speeds on the bits with no traffic (in the videos I have seen, anyway) - when he is going through traffic the chase bike is doing ~230-240kph and GR doesnt seem to be passing fast enough to be going 180+mph.

The video of that guy in real traffic is pretty hardcore though!

The reason I posted (before I knew it was a journo) was that it just seemed like an average bloke that decided to film himself blasting past lorries etc at 300kph. GR clearly posesses some skills which somehow make his videos a bit less shocking. I likened this vid to just an average joe getting on a nuts fast bike and going berserk.
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