18K commuting a year cost

I used to do 118 miles (return) a day, did that for some 2 years, currently do around 50 return but the older I've got the more I hate it. I also tend to work from home whenever I can these days.
I did ~120 miles each way for a week when I changed job while I was looking for a house...

After that I decided it would be cheaper, easier, less stressful and give me more free time if I drove up on the Monday, back on the Friday and stayed in a Travelodge during the week.

Not something I would consider doing again unless the pay was substantially higher (10k+ rise) and it was for a very temporary period.

Saying that, 70 mile round trip isn't much compared to that.
I do around 65 miles return trip a day when I am in the office, no issue for me.

I get up slightly earlier, go to work, get it done and head back slightly earlier to avoid some traffic.

Once you get used to it, it really isn't that bad...assuming traffic isn't a major problem :) Just under 1 hour each way for me is what I average probably
It really depends on the roads, my 70-80 a day is pretty ok as its over pretty much empty dual carriageway then a few miles of A roads. I'd HATE to do it if it involved motorways and any form of traffic.
I'm doing approx 170 round trip 3 days a week minimum and it sucks. Bit of a force situation but its unlikely to change long term with me getting another job.

Need to leave the house by just after 6am to get a decent run and dont get home until after 7pm at the earliest. Its definitely not something to ignore when deciding on jobs or where to live.

The cost is secondary to me as I currently have little choice.
For me, it depends on the sort of journey it is. If it's relatively stress-free a one hour commute isn't too bad. If it's continually stop-start for the majority of it it gets tedious and you jut think that you're wasting time. Having said that, an hour of stop start probably means you're not living that far away anyway :p.
I have a daily commute of 36 miles each way, and I spend around £250 a month on fuel which includes social and domestic journeys as well as the daily commute.

That's with a 1.8TDCi Focus doing around 60Mpg on the commute, as my entire commute is country B roads, almost the whole journey is spent sat at 60 apart from a few small villages and 2 junctions. Obviously if your commute involved a fair amount of city driving then that would end up costing more in fuel, and time.

I'd echo what others have said regarding extra money require to break even, unless it's a job you really want, it may not be worth the commute. Especially given you don't run a car already.
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