1950x Render Node

5 Mar 2018

First time here and first time building a PC.

I'm building a render node which will be purely used for Cinema4D & Vray. I don't need a fancy graphics card (yet) (i don't think!) i just need to be able to switch it on, hit render from my main machine and let the Threadripper do it's stuff.

I know this has all probably been discussed a thousand times but I've looked at so many videos and read loads of build descriptions but find it hard to reach a decision about certain parts due to peoples different opinions.

The thing i am struggling with the most is the ram, can i use 3000mhz DDr4 or should i really go higher?

I'm going to add 64gig of ram which should be enough, obviously i can pick up 8x8 sticks cheaper than 4x16 but are there major benefits to running 4x16 apart from having room to upgrade?

Also does anyone know if the Noctua cooler will get in the way of the ram sticks if i use 8x8?

Thanks in advance for any help

Here is my parts list so far.... https://uk.************.com/list/VpFjXP
14 Apr 2014
East Sussex
The RAM question is a good one - if you use just 4 sticks you are likely to hit a total higher memory speed than if using 8 sticks as there's less strain with 4 sticks on the CPUs IMC.

Is 3200 memory worth it.... Harder to answer.

On TR I think you are getting greatly diminishing returns for anything over 2666.

Any TR chip should be capable of getting Mem to 2800 no bother, anything over this is a bonus - that will yeiled only a tiny performance differences - so I would go mid range, as you will be very lucky to hit 3200 over 8 sticks, so it's not worth the extra money IMO

Finding some benchmarks for your software at different memory speeds would be worth while - how many minutes will be saved with the best memory? Is it worth it?

On your other point I've had no issue with memory clearance on TR using the biggest Noctua TR cooler, though on the mega expensive Asus board I believe it stops you using the top PCIE slot
1 Dec 2015
My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £913.45 (includes shipping: £10.50)​

prob find other parts cheaper.. but the 8 -pack ram! see how far can push Ram OC. friend ran VRay for days at a time and pushing 3466hz over 3000hz saved him a few hours worth of rendering time which saves product life and elec bill haha
5 Mar 2018
I thought ram would be fairly easy to decide on but it's being the biggest headache so far!
I'll try and find some more benchmarks - if the difference between higher speeds equates to tiny gains i'll be fine i think with with 3000 or 3200 i just didn't want to go lower if the TR works better with higher.
i just want it to work the best it can and be stable without breaking the bank as DDR4 isn't cheap at the moment. I have 2 i7's i can use so that should save a bit of extra time rendering

The Noctua cooler sounds like a good choice, good to hear from someone who's using it.
1 Dec 2015
thread ripper are the best binned dies - some have run at 3600... though personally couldn't comment .
again the benefit i saw for a friends was on Ryzen build and his min rendering times are 3 days- before this was 5 odd days with 4th gen Intel i7 laptop haha .
though having to validate the ram running at above 3200 speeds most do for 2 hours- I did it for periods of days for him which is just extreme and OTT haha

if your after the best then @8 Pack 's kit it is as well as hassle free pretty much- way it was designed- hopefully he can share experience with Thread Ripper on the ram kit
5 Mar 2018
Haha, 2 day gain on rendering must satisfying!
I'll look in to that kit. Noctua fan is ordered now, one more thing ticked off the list!
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