1st Jobs - the best, the worst and the daftest

What was it - Trainee 3rd Line Unix Support Technician
Company - A large multinational IT Services Company
Start age - 22

Didn't have time for a job before Uni due to other commitments which were taking the majority of my time out of school hours.

Job was a bit of a joke ... it was an experiment on the Company's part and they didn't really know what to do with me in the area where they originally put me. Fortunately after a few months I got transferred to another office as they were having a staffing crisis and that gave me access to do and learn a lot more.
Job - Burger flipper
Company - McD's
Age - 16

Flipped burgers through the summer to help with spending money for college. Was pretty good back then '02. I was earning £6.50ph, working 40h per week. I was offered a "trainee supervisors" role fulltime, but chose college and kept working part time for another year.

Easy job was easy, so were most of the young ladies working there.

I love the burger flippers on this forum, how many stars on the badge did you get:D
Mine was probably working in restaurant kitchens at 15. I did two of those. The Carriage House Hotel and the Crown.
Then, at 16 went to work in Safeway bakery. Nothing better than fresh hot cross buns and cookies :D Used to be a sweet gig to be honest.
At 18 I started bar work!
Job - Market Stall
Company - No idea
Age - 15

Paid for my first pc upgrades at £20 for a Saturday + hot drinks and dinner :)

SoundBlaster 16bit (ISA) had to buy that first to allow my quad speed CD reader to connect to the 486 I had :D. Soundcard had the IDE connectors on it for he CD reader!
What was it - Kitchen/Burger making
Company -Burger King
Start age - 16

£2.02 a hour with a 32p per hour lunch allowance.

That was back in 1992.

I was there about 6 months then left to join Asda packing shelves etc in the Wines and Spirits section for £2.50 a hour!
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