1st Time WC Build: Fractal R3

Nah, not really. Rma'd the motherboard and a new one has arrived today soil test it out of the case then reinstall everything tonight hopefully. Just gnna ask a few temps about mounting the raystorm ad temps in the water cooling forum.
I didnt think this case was the best for air flow, seemed a bit stuffy but i put all new fans in it Akasa Vipers to match my cpu cooler, now my 2600k idles at 30c @ 4GHz (1.25v). Check out my build log its called Fractal R3 Viper http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18478949. I think i have the best way to configure the fans in the R3. I put 2x 120 intakes at the front and a 140 intake at the bottom then 2x 140 out takes at the top with a rear 120 blowing out as well. I think you are brave trying to WC in this case, and keeping everything inside. I googled "watercooling fractal r3" and looked through various build logs, a couple on here too, and its put me off. Ill wait and see how yours turns out before i decide for myself lol.
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New motherboard arrived and I tried the components in - booted up first time, no problems.
So I've reinstalled the the motherboard and the water cooling:


This is the top after filling in the wrong holes, painting them over and drilling some new ones. Im in the middle of painting the screws black so they're less noticeable as well


Tubing starting to go in. even with heating the ends over a boiling kettle, 7/16 over 1/2 barbs is a damm tight fit!


reservoir in... I tried to mount it on rubber washers to reduce the noise and vibration but there wasnt enough space and everythime i slid it in they would just fall off, even with double sided sticky tape to hold them in position. Just gave up on the for the pump in the end. all the other radiators anf fans, drives etc are mounted on rubber washers.


loop filled and leak testing begins...


over night leak testing and no leaks. Just one spillage when i over filled the res. cleans up pretty well though for being blue this stuff. The Wife hasnt noticed. Probably cos its still covered by the card board.


reserboir now full. I had these bubble in the pipes but they'rs gone now, but theres still some bubble left in the reservoir, does this matter? Also, as the air bubble are dissapating out this is causing the fluid level to drop slightly, does it need to be right at the top of the radiator?


Not sure why I bothered taking this shot as I couldnt be bothered to do any more cable management than this. Its tight for space behing the MB on this case, its a push getting the side panel back on.


Thats the final loop, I think it loks mint, hopefully you guys think its alright. The cables aren't too messy, the tubes have a bit or swerve and curve, I'm pretty happy with this.



lighted up in the dark it looks pretty cool. Couldnt get a full picture of it in the dark as I couldnt get the settings on my camera to take it properly, kept coming out all dark with a little bit of light from the spu, even on slow speed and big apeture. I bought the UV blue EK coolant and the pic shows that it glows in the dark but if the leds are off there is no glow from them. Do they only glow if you shine a uv light on them?


Well thats the build pretty much complete, I just have to install it in the living room. CPU idling around 32 at stock with the fans on low so you cant hear them, the fans are silent and theres slight hum from the pump but that isnt audbile if youremore thn 2 feet away from the computer and you can only hear it if the room is silent.

Will post some more pics once its in place. But there you go, a top mounted rad in a fractal r3. some minor problems along the way but if I was to do another one I think it would be no bother.
Looks good mate, glad you finally got it up and running. Blue looks awesome. Its whirring over in my head to do it now, i know it would be easier to get a different case and im sure the new case would have better cable management too but i love the r3. Good work.
Cheers guys, now that it's unused I'm well happy with it. Ran mark 3d vantage today and temps are:
Idle - cpu= 31c gpu= 28c
Load - CPU= 51c gpu= 35
Il take some final pics this week
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