2.0 Desktop Speakers

3 May 2011
Morning All, after some advice. Just got myself a new monitor and whilst my old one had built in speakers the new one does not. Either way I'm in need of 2.0 speakers predominately used for gaming and odd occasional Spotify and Youtube videos.

Ideally my budget is £100 and my eyes have been on the Razer Nommo but before I commit I'm after second opinions or recommendations?
While those Nommo's will be better than a monitor's built in speakers, then aren't the best use of £100.

I'd much go for Edifier R1280T or R1600T III. Larger speakers, but they offer great sound.

Those Nommo's don't have tweeters. Probably OK for gaming use; personally though, but I wouldn't want to use them for music.

I guess speakers like the Nommo's appeal to people because they are compact. When it comes to speakers, compact doesn't offer the best sound compared to larger speakers unless you throw more money at well engineered compact speakers.

Nommos look good but it's more sound output that's important to me, want to get something that I won't have any regrets over. Personally the R1280T from your recommendations are likely to be my purchase.

Thanks for the advice.
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