I've just bought another Barracuda 7200.10 320GB to go alongside the existing Barracuda 7200.10 250GB but after a bit of reading up it doesn't appear that I've got optimum performance from them.
First of all after fitting the new one I discovered a jumper which sets it to 1.5GB/s instead of the 3GB/s which I know my motherboard supports [MSI PowerUp Ed for Intel C2D]. Secondly, they are just set as C: and D: separate drives.
Is there anything to be had from pulling the drives out, setting them to 3GB/s and then configuring RAID0? What tangible results will I see from doing this, eg. boot times or playing FSX? I'm just trying to justify pulling the computer apart and reinstalling Windows which is a good mornings work.
Thanks for any wisdom.
First of all after fitting the new one I discovered a jumper which sets it to 1.5GB/s instead of the 3GB/s which I know my motherboard supports [MSI PowerUp Ed for Intel C2D]. Secondly, they are just set as C: and D: separate drives.
Is there anything to be had from pulling the drives out, setting them to 3GB/s and then configuring RAID0? What tangible results will I see from doing this, eg. boot times or playing FSX? I'm just trying to justify pulling the computer apart and reinstalling Windows which is a good mornings work.
Thanks for any wisdom.