2 hard drive 2 os

12 Aug 2006
Just got vista working on another HD which is set to master on the jumper. I have WinXP on the other, and I don't want to mess it up by using both drives at the same time, but I want to use both drives so as I can copy over some programs onto the vista hd. So, if the vista one is set to master, and I just unplug the jumper in the other hd, if I boot with them both connected, the vista os should load, the other one will just show up in my PC. Is that right? That's what I want to do anyway. provided it works.
You shouldn't have to go through that hassle each time.

You should have a bootloader with Vista when you install it... so you can choose the OS on the fly, without going into BIOS and choosing the HDD etc.
Hmm. I don't know how to do that.. but I only need to use both for one time, then I'll be using vista until I decide it's for me, or until I decide it isn't. Until then, I want to copy games and other stuff to see how it runs. What's the easiest way to do it? Remove the jumper on the XP HD enough or will it try to load XP too?
find out the F key for your drive boot menu, then you can boot to any
of the drives that as an OS on.

most boards use F8
Didn't work when I put them both in. The boot thing comes up auto, but it only lets me select Vista, nothing else is there, and the HD doesn't show up in Computer....
your not doing it right

look on the bios post screen it should give you some F Key options like

press F8 to enable system configuration
press F9 to select booting device after post
press DEL to enter SETUP

its the booting device menu you want up. there is will give you a list of
devices on your system.

different make board use different F Keys
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It's strange, I got it to work, but I had to plug the XP HD into the 5th sata socket on my board. I put it there because it said slave in bios, and that's what I needed it to run as, but then, I thought if you put one in socket 1, and the other in 2, provided 1 has the master jumper, the other will automatically be a slave, but what was happening is it would show up as a master also,in bios, and then wouldn't show up in Vista. I didn't want to dual boot every time though, so I've turned it off for the time being, and am gonna use vista for a while. It's been good to me so far..
The burst speed does nothing to improve the performance of the hdd. Its the average read and random access time that matters.
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