2 IDE + 2 SATA

12 Aug 2005
hey guys, i currently have 2 IDE HDDs and 2 Sata HDDs,

i would like to use one of my sata(raptor) as my primary drive, but it seems that if i were to connect 2 IDEs, one of them must be primary?

So i can only have1 IDE when i use a Sata for primary?

i'm able to use my raptor when i only connect 1 IDE..

here is what happens:

When i connect all 4 HDDs with the OS in the raptor, during POST

it will only detect 3 HDDS,

Primary IDE Master: (Blank)
Primary IDE Slave : xxx HDD
Secondary IDE Master: DVD writer
Secondary IDE Slave: CD Writer
SATA1: Raptor
Sate2: xxx HDD

and it will keep on loading on the windows load screen..

both IDE HDDs are set to slave by jumpers..
okie problem solved! thanks guys!! din know about the boot piority thing..
Btw i've always havea problem when changing the OS from 1 disk to another..

When i first installed my OS into my raptor, the boot was on the raptor, but another partition in another HDD is labelled System, is this also caused by the boot piority?
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