2 man tent?

3 May 2012
Anyone have one they can recommend?

It doesn't need to be anything fancy, going on a Scout camp thing as a volunteer, so UK, sea level (ish), reasonably sheltered location, summer etc.

That being said, I also might go one up from your very basic festival tent and I'll probably end up having to do it next year.

...and probably the year after etc, so might be getting one a little better quality so that it lasts.

Bonus points if its camo!
14 Jul 2004
Melbourne , Oz.
Depends if you are carrying it or not? We have a small dome tent thats about 6kg that I strap to my pack when doing multi day hikes. Can't do much but sleep in it but it's light, weatherproof and super easy and quick to put up. If we go somewhere I can get the car near-ish to I take a larger one you can stand up in and has an outward folding front flap for shelter when cooking and stuff, you'd not want to carry that thing much further than a length of a car park though.
On top of that buy yourself a few spare good quality pegs, a rubber mallet and a groundsheet, a cheap tarp from B&Q or whatever will do and will be 1/10th of the price of a "proper" branded groundsheet from a camping shop. I always carry these plus a small pocket sized battery torch that has a hook on it for hanging on the inside, Duracell make them and they are pretty cheap and last ages. Its the kind of thing they have next to the tills at DIY shops.
10 Jan 2007
As others have said, you would be surprised how small a 2 man tent is once you get your gear in there as well, when I did dance festivals, I got a cheap 3 or 4 man tent and left it behind
16 Mar 2004
How many nights? Will you get wet/dirty? Being able to sit up properly makes changing much easier. Having a space to store gear if it's raining is very useful. I'd recommend taking a decent tarp and poles if you're there for more than 1 night as it's the UK and it's bound to rain, and the tarp can give you a nice out door space to sit/eat/chat etc without being stuck in a little tent. If not then a tent with a porch if a decent on is in budget

I'd agree that 3 man is the actual size for 2 people :).

A decent cheap(ish) option is Decathlon - plus you can see quite a few of their tents in store - c £70-100 for their 3 man
27 Dec 2005
As others have said, you would be surprised how small a 2 man tent is once you get your gear in there as well, when I did dance festivals, I got a cheap 3 or 4 man tent and left it behind

Wow, you're actually admitting to that?

AHH thanks for the replies.

It's just for me, and yes I always go larger, so 2 man tent should have space for me and some gear.

I went for this in the end:

Although I got it a little cheaper than that so fingers crossed.

I've actually just bought the same one! I've got OEX's one-man tent and went wild camping in Norway for a week in pretty much all weathers including torrential downpour and strong winds. The quality is really good for the price point, and pretty light too.

Just bought the two-man for some UK wild camping with the dog - thought we'd both prefer the design of this one to the side entrance style.

As has been said, a tarp and a couple of poles (or just branches) goes a long way to expanding useable space in poor weather, and it looks the part too. Two poles and you can create a decent sized space without trees, but if you're in woodland then even better.

3 May 2012
I tested it out in the garden and it's actually pretty generous for a two man tent, kipped out with my 6 year old son, and it was fine.

But on my own there will be loads of room for gear.

I also got a self inflating mattress and I'm really impressed with it, packs down to hardly anything.
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