2 Opticals from the Dali

5 Apr 2014
Evening All just a Question about the Kubic One i have 2 optical connections at the rear i use one for the TV and wondered what the other one would be for?. I do have a minix neo u1 android box that does connect to the TV via HDMI and that has optical also am i right in thinking i would be able to connect my Minix to the other optical connection of the Dali?
Looking at a picture of the rear, one optical looks like it has a TV symbol, the other doesn't. My guess would be, one used for audio from TV, the other connected to a different source, most likely for music.

So, you could use the optical out from you Android box as you mention. Output music to the DALI via that rather than having to have the TV on to play music. If you've got an app on your phone or tablet for the software you use on the Android box, then you can use that rather than having the TV on to see what you are selecting.

I do a similar thing with a RPi3 and Kodi. I have a DAC board on the Pi and use RCA to my amp, so I can listen to music without having to have the TV on to pass on audio. I use an app to control Kodi, so I can select music without having to have the TV on to see what I'm selecting.
Thanks very much for the reply Marsman. I do have a RPI3 also just wondering if there is a way i could use that for a media player i do like the idea to be able to listen to music without TV on also. The Dali also has Mini USB which outputs 24bit but i don't have much FLAC mainly 320 MP3's. i did buy the PI for Rasplex but since Rasplex has slowed down in development i stopped using it and now its collecting Dust which is a shame maybe i should do something simlar to yourself
You could get an SPDIF board so you can connect it to your DALI. The DAC board I have is from IQaudio. They do an SPDIF board as do Hifiberry.
Your a Legend Marsman thanks for your help much Appreciated. I think i might look at getting a DAC like HiFi berry what Media player do you use for your Music do you just use KODI or Roon I do use kodi for PLEX. PLEXkodiconnect
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