2 x Seagate 7200.10 160GB 8MB raid results

11 May 2007
Are these results about right on XP? I was expecting more from 2 seagate 7200.10 160gb 8MB sata300 in raid 0 using ICH9R raid conrtroller on gigabyte GA-P35_DS3P motherboard.

HDTach3 results

6% cpu utilization
average read 111.6MB/s
burst 293.8MB/s

The read speed looks about right but the burst speed looks a bit low, here are my results using the same HDs:

7% CPU Utilisation
122.8 MB/s Read speed
1854.5 MB/s Burst speed

You been using photoshop?

There's a bit more at work there than acceptable tolerances...

Any idea why the difference?

It's a fresh install I have enabled native IDE in the bios and raid but that's about all. Haven't tweaked anything really as not an expert.

This is the rest of my system

OCZ Stealthxstream 600Watts
Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 1.8GHz
Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3P
Sapphire X1950Pro 256MB GDDR3 DVI TVO HDCP PCI-E Graphics Card
2 x Raid Seagate 160GB 7200.10 7200RPM SATAII/300 8MB Cache - OEM
1 x Seagate 7200.10 320GB SATAII/300 8.5ms 7200RPM 16MB Cache - OEM
2 x Corsair (CM2X1024-5400C4) 1024MB, DDR2-5300/5400 (667/675MHz) Twin2X Matched Memory Pair
1 x Lite-on 16 X DVD-ROM SHD-16P1S
1 x Lite-on DVD-Writer SHM-165P6S
Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro
CASE ASONIC XCLIO Server case 5X5.25 6X3.5 2xfloppy


Your Average read in HDTach of 111.6MB/s is fine and is what is important, the Burst speed is immaterial really (in real world situations). :)
I get 57.6mb/s average read on my old 7200.8 300gb SATA (not sata II) drive.

*edited the speed as I just did a hd tach and it was lower than I remember..

*edited the speed again, defragged the 7200.8 and ran hd tach again and it was what I thought it was originally :)
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burst speed is just a tiny test and due to it being able to read off the hard drive cache basically the test should more often than not with a sata drive read at around the max the actual sata connection can do. however though it can read fast briefly it can't do it for anymore than literally a split second, then you're back to access speeds and transfer speeds off the hard drive.

hdtach was written back when hard drives had 12kb of cache and 3mb of total space(maybe exaggerated).

your average read speeds are fine. i think pretty much best setup is raided hitachi 1tb drives(and the 750gig version and hopefully in the future a cheaper 200-300gb drives aswell) and they can get about 140mb/s sustained transfer which is insanely good.
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