20 years since I had a separate stereo system !!

Unfortunately this has been taken the wrong way and I have always been an advocate of very high end hi-fi. (at one point my system was worth more than the house I lived in). At the price point you are talking about there is massive gains to be had by making some very small adjustments and there is some wonderful equipment being sold second hand that equates to pennies on the pound when they were first purchased. But my point is, my hearing has suffered over the 30+ years I have been purchasing equipment but I have learnt to make more sensible choices in my spending.

Must have been one heck of a setup!
A mate of mine spent £30k on his hifi and never uses it, loads of spare cash and not a great music lover. Use my mostly s/h kit every day, under £1500 around 5 years ago sounds great to my ears. Second hand the way to go for sure.
I was very foolish with my money and the system I had. I once spent £8K on a Barco Cine 6 in the late 90's. I once needed it serviced and Barco came to look at it. The service tech said he had never seen one in a private home before and was very impressed
Ended up failing and it couldn't be fixed so put it at the of the drive for someone to pick it up as scrap :(
All good points we spend what we can and we like what we like at the end of the day !

Plugged in the black rhodium symphony's and left the Amazon cables in another input so could basically play a few songs with each plugged in.

Now not going to say there was an earth shattering difference but my everything just seems to bit harder, be a bit more expressive and there was just a bit more detail.

My gut tells me this cable is way better than my system and could stand a fair few upgrades but I'm at the point where I'm thinking I'm pretty much getting as much as I can out if the system I have without spending silly money and damn does it sound good !
Back in 1997.. £800 MF A220, £800 Myryad MC100, £1200 Castle Harlech.

Served me well.. including taking my own upgrades after needing a fix in the last year or so. Probably worth £50 now.
Back in 1997.. £800 MF A220, £800 Myryad MC100, £1200 Castle Harlech.

Served me well.. including taking my own upgrades after needing a fix in the last year or so. Probably worth £50 now.

Stereo keeps value and doesn't go out of date.

It's only AV products that depreciate and go out of date and obselete.
Some of the older equipment is built like tanks and I am still getting good use out of my amps, speakers, LD player etc.
I got my old CD player, minidisc and stereo AMP out of the loft recently to sell as they hadn't been used in about 15 years and I tested it all to be sure it was all working still. Sat there the entire night listening to music in a way I hadn't for years. Almost kept it TBH. Biggest difference was source for sure, we have been fed increasingly worse sources of sound. Physical discs are so much better.
I got my old CD player, minidisc and stereo AMP out of the loft recently to sell as they hadn't been used in about 15 years and I tested it all to be sure it was all working still. Sat there the entire night listening to music in a way I hadn't for years. Almost kept it TBH. Biggest difference was source for sure, we have been fed increasingly worse sources of sound. Physical discs are so much better.
I was happy with Sonos and Tidal etc until I moved house two years ago and got all my stuff out of storage. Like yourself I thought about selling everything until I tested it and decided I couldn't part with it. Now its all set up again and it puts a big smile on my face everyday.
Hopefully you dont regret your decision
I once spent £8K on a Barco Cine 6 in the late 90's. I once needed it serviced and Barco came to look at it. The service tech said he had never seen one in a private home before and was very impressed
Blimey, that takes me back to my days as a rep for Seleco, 7" and 8" tube CRTs. Lost count of the number of them I converged for HC customers as well as the leisure trade for pubs and bars.

Branched out to converging Barcos (808s,1208s, 1209s and the Cine series plus Runcos based on them along with Sony D50s, Ampros and Electrohome Marquees. Never got my hands on a Sony G70 though. They were rare beasts.

They were fun times. There's something very satisfying about dialling in a CRT to perfection then watching the owner's face when they see just how good their projector could be. 1080p on a 1209 with electronic astigmatism really is beautiful.
Everyone was very impressed when I used to press the button on my owl screen and it would lower from the ceiling & cover the wall. Once it hit it's bottom limit, the projector would fire up. Between that and the AV setup there was no point going to the cinema
I was happy with Sonos and Tidal etc until I moved house two years ago and got all my stuff out of storage. Like yourself I thought about selling everything until I tested it and decided I couldn't part with it. Now its all set up again and it puts a big smile on my face everyday.
Hopefully you dont regret your decision
No regrets to sell, but it has rekindled a desire to set up a dedicated music area.
Ended up failing and it couldn't be fixed so put it at the of the drive for someone to pick it up as scrap :(
I'd have wanted a lifetime guarantee for that cash.
One thing I've realised is don't get rid of good kit, when streaming kicked in I got rid of a lovely Naim cd player but i want one again. Still its made me buy more vinyl in the last 10 years, and most of it before prices went crazy.
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