2015 Tt Invitational Season 2 mod for the UK!

17 Sep 2012
So a few people here already know, I have been chosen to represent the UK in the Thermaltake Invitational. Basically I have to go head to head with some of the worlds best modders. Then, at the end voting happens and I find out that im last :D I'll be perfectly honest and say im doing my build for the fun of it and NOT for the money, so I certainly wont be begging for votes on my home forum (here!!!) It would be great to have you guys behind me though!

Well, I had a parcel arrive today so I can finally start my build log! YAY!

I will edit this post later with sponsor logos and such, but i just wanted to get the ball rolling!

So, without further to do!!

This is my box, there are many like it but this one is mine. My box is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I master my life. Without me it is useless, without my box I am useless.


Inside the box was lots of stuff... I mean... Crazy amounts!! so much it wouldn't all fit on my table and it will take me a few days to go through it all!!


First of all, let's have a look at the CPU block. I found 2 old friends up the attic. I will call them Jay and Em (they might resemble 2 EU Tt colleagues, but I assure you they are toys ;)

So i chose the Thermaltake Pacific W2 CPU block.


With help from Jay and Em I was able to get inside :D


Inside the box there are all fittings for all the common socket types as well as some plastic inserts to allow us to change the colour of the glowing name :D


Come on Tt dudes, you need to lift that block up for me so I can get a better picture -.-


Cheers lads! As you can see, G1/4 fittings and some mounting gear pre-fitted for our convenience.


Next up we have these....*

20 x 120mm Tt Riing fans with orange LEDs :D


I have used the white versions of these before and they have been great. As you can see from the spec, they are excellent for radiators.


Inside the box you get everything you need, screws, a cable to reduce the fan speed and noise and also a molex to fan adapter for if you have 20 fans and run out of fan headers ;)


sigh, Jay and Em decided to hide. They are not very clever though.


Oh excellent. Now they have climbed on top!!! They are probably looking for a bar.


I knew it!!! After a long day at work looking at some awesome Tt goodies, they wanted a nice cold beer!


As per usual, Em couldn't handle his beer. Jay is going strong though!!!


Oooops, maybe not, I best go and put these two to bed for the night! I will be back soon!

(First reply stalker)

Subbed for sure mate, enjoy the build I'm drooling already :D

You have to get a T done with Jay and Em with that last pic, haha cracked me up !
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Cheers folks!!!

So I got an awesome parcel through from AVEXIR. Now a little bit of a back-story here, just to show how awesome AVEXIR were when I asked for their DDR4. Currently, they only have red and black on their website, yet they let me have some special black and white memory that isn't for sale yet :o it looks gorgeous!

So, the box is rather nice and sleek, simplistic and protects the product well.


Oh Great, Jay is here, riding in on the back of a lizard. I thought id locked these 2 away for the evening. It seems Em is in the toilet so won't be with us for a while. At least he is the sensible one so we shouldn't have any more pets.


I retract my status Em is an idiot -.- ffs dude. As per usual, toilet paper defeats him.


Cheers for helping him out Jay. Its a good job your here to sort him out else Em would really struggle.


Thats it, open the box then run away and let me take some product pics please!


Ok, OK. one last pic with you both in, then you have to leave. Avexir might want to use my pics so you cant be in all of them :P


So, this is what the white and black ram looks like from the top. I can't wait to get it into a build and see it glow.


This colour combo should be released soon hopefully as I am a big fan of white in RAM.


Im also actually a big fan of the squared edges and matt black. It reminds me of some kind of RAM waterblock.


OK, so 4 sticks are nice. 8 are better. MWHAHAHA


look how artsy this pic is!? i know right! looks almost like I know what im doing with the camera haha.


I do have an idea with this RAM, but im not sure if i dare to do it or not. With this RAM not being easy to get hold of it really does scare me to do too much.


ooops, dropped it.... only kidding haha :D


Well, that's the AVEXIR products :D I also have had an awesome gift from another company, so i'll be taking pics of that today :D Hopefully Jay and Em will be out of my way for them though.
One small detail I noticed that I thought was unusual to see these days, is that they used slotted screws to hold the ram together and not posi head ones. Very nice aesthetic though :)
Subbed davido, great log, great pics and very funny to read.

So orange is the new new purple (again)? :)
Ram does look awesome but those fans and CPU block are hideous! Not sure why but they just don't do it for me. Will be interesting to see what you get done with the kit though. :P
My hand is still in a cast so I still can't do any serious modding (boooooo) so I'm afraid it's more product pictures for now! Oh, and a Tt dude story.

So another sponsor that Tt got for all members of the invitational (which cant be named here as they are an American competitor) let us have a very handsome budget and we got to choose some really nice hardware. As ASUS sponsor me I already had a Mobo, so I was able to splash out on a nice bit of Hardware.

I took 2 1TB Samsung SSDs a 250gb SSD a 5820k and 2 ASUS 970 Strix!


The SSDs! I usually use HyperX drives in all my builds, but they were a little more expensive and I was on a tight budget. Samsung drives perform very well, and 3 of them im sure will be fun :D




This is my 4th 5820k! I think they have been one of my most favorite processor! nice bit of overclocking potential and works well.


I'm not sure on the batches of 5820k TBH. Anybody got the same batch?


Again, 970s have been great for me this year and I have used more ASUS Strix than anything! When Tt said they had new blocks for these i was rather happy :D


I'm not sure why, but I always like the side on view of the GPU boxes more than the frontal view!


They are watching you!


I like this pic <3


They also sent me a T-shirt. I was wearing it whilst I was taking those pics (I know, I'm silly!) but no doubt it will show up during a few pics later on in the build :)

Well, I know I said there would be a Tt Dude story but it looks like we have gotten away with.....

I Spoke too soon. They are here.

hmmmm, they seem to be in a very serious conversation, this is unusual for Jay and Em!


Oh lord... is that... is that a girl bear?!


Oh no. I think Em has got a crush.


Wow!! Em smartened up!! a Tie and some flowers for the lady!!!


Oh dear =( that didnt go well.


Em doesn't seem to phased though and it looks like Em is coming up with a plan with Jays help! This can only go wrong.


Oh gawd. What is that???


The little thieving monkeys! I was saving the watercooling products to show you all later, it seems they have taken one of my reservoirs though!!


Jay just ran off saying "prepare to be amazed" after throwing a cloth over Em and the reservoir. I have a bad feeling about this.


What the ####!??!?! get out of there!!!! All this to please a lady!? It's never going to work. You have wasted all our time!



I stand corrected. Well, get out of there and give me a hand showing off the reservoirs now considering you have already shown everyone.


As you have seen, I will be using the Thermaltake T33 reservoirs! Not one, but two! These are 330ml reservoir with multi-port options, so I shouldn't have any problem using these!


These come with a load of accessories, fittings, some tubing, nuts and bolts, a little spanner, alan key, cable ties and of course, mounting brackets!

Excellent update, lovely components going in, hope the hand is better soon so we can see it all coming together :)
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