2015 Tt Invitational Season 2 mod for the UK!

Excellent photos (And the hardware isn't bad too ;) )
Hope your hand gets better soon and just wondering why you chose two 1TB SSDs and a 250GB SSD ?
As always, I'm looking forward to the next update :)
Sorry its been a while (yet again) but I am apparently "fit for work" now so I've been back at work a lot. Booooo! It does mean that my thumb is getting better though so I can actually start some modding. Unfortunately Jay and Em are a little busy at the moment (I've put them in a box somewhere and I can't bloody find them!!)

First though, a huge thanks to


for sponsoring me yet again! You guys are awesome <3

So for this build I decided to go X99 and take the Sabertooth. I do love the armor on these bad boys!


Hiding the IO panel is always nice too and as you can see, there are a plenty of options directly from the mobo.


Those who are not familiar with TUF boards, basically they have an armor front and back to protect the board, help with heat dissipation and most importantly, look god damn awesome.


TUF stands for The Ultimate Force by the looks of it :D niiice.


Some nice discreet branding by ASUS.


Sabertooth X99. Nom Nom Nom.


No bent pins <3


oooou, the 5820k found a new home!


This is the TUF Fortifier, basically its a metal plate that attaches to the back of the board and stops it from bending anything like that. It makes the board feel A LOT more sturdy tbh.


more Sabertooth X99 branding on the back.


I will just leave you with these last two pics... what a damn sexy board.



Thanks again ASUS, your all babes! Much love <3

Great pics and can we get signed pics of Jay and Em?

Of course, for a small fee ;)

Great pics! Any news on what case you will be using? One of those displayed at Computex 2015?

Yeah, we have to use the Core X9. Not my first choice of case tbh, but I guess working with a case that wouldn't be my choice makes it a little different.

Excellent update, lovely components going in, hope the hand is better soon so we can see it all coming together :)

Cheers man, still in a lot of pain with it, but hey, doctor says I am allowed back to work now, so that means i'm allowed to mod in my eyes :D

lol am i the only one who cant wait for the next episode of jay and em? hehe love it made my day.

They will be back just as soon as I can find the little buggers!

loving this pics nice to see some humour injected in :)

Thanks dude :D I thought id do something a little different.
oh dear Thermaltake ... ocuk don't even sell their (copied) stuff.. still good to see how it turns out
So, lets finally do a little bit of modding ay?

First up its the GPU's!!! I am going back to my roots, White and Orange, YAY!!!

The new Tt waterblocks for the ASUS 970 Strix are white acrylic with a black plate. I would have loved to have shown you them, but like an idiot, i didn't realise my camera was set up completely wrong until after i'd started to spray things. OOOOPs

This is the only picture that is even worth looking at for now =(


These are the black metal plates that are attached to the acrylic. I unscrewed them and put them in a professional spray booth (totally not a cardboard box. honest.)


The plates got a bit of a rubbing down with some fine sand paper, then a few coats of primer, then a few coats of this very dull colour. ;)


Whilst I did this i took the backplates off the GPUs. The blocks are NOT compatable with the backplates, but I wanted to keep them. I gave them a quick coating of paint first though.


A few hours later, the backplates were dry enough to work with. I needed to make sure that I could get them to fit the GPU with the waterblocks on also. This was actually quite easy


First i drilled out some of the original holes, so that I could fit some longer screws.


after rummaging though my box of spare screws i found these bad boys! Perfect.


Normally the backplate is held on from inside the card, this still happens, but now the 2 added screws hold the backplate on from the outside, they are multi-purpose now. They hold the waterblock as well as keeping the backplate on firm.

This is what the backplates looked like when id finished with them.


By the time id sorted these out, I could assemble the Tt waterblock again.


White and Orange <3


As I had litterally covered all of the branding from both the GPU blocks and the backplate, I decided to add one brand on either side of the card. Happy companies mean happy davido.

The ASUS branding:


The Thermaltake branding:


I do love a white and orange colour scheme, it always seems to be like marmite :D I hope at least a few of you like it haha :D
I always knew your purple box was a smokescreen until you could get your orange paint out again ;)

Looks really nice davido
Ah man nice board, I think it's an incredible looking board, reason I chose it for mine just got that nice industrial look. So jealous! Looking good with the gfx mods, it's great to see your signature orange in use again.
I always knew your purple box was a smokescreen until you could get your orange paint out again ;)

Looks really nice davido

Haha, yeah, i wanted the Pandora white and orange tbh, BitFenix didn't do white and orange though and I knew I wouldn't have time to sleeve them myself for for that build =(

Ah man nice board, I think it's an incredible looking board, reason I chose it for mine just got that nice industrial look. So jealous! Looking good with the gfx mods, it's great to see your signature orange in use again.

Cheers man, yeah I really the look of of these boards tbh. Giving it a good coating tomorrow I think ;).

I am just waiting for my ram to dry, il post pics either tonight or tomorrow =D.
Love a good build log. Thought about going a bit Star Wars-ish? The colour scheme would work. Would need a bit of patina and decals, but the ultra clean orange-white look should spank too.

For this one, I just want it clean white and orange tbh, but it is a possiblity for my next one haha :D

So today's job was getting the mobo and RAM ready. Again, massive thanks to AVEXIR and ASUS for these goodies!

So First the RAM.

First I took the RAM apart, obviously I wouldn't recommend this as it's not the easiest thing to do and it does void the warranty (I imagine)


I also managed to peel all of the metal plates from the side of the RAM. This took a lot of patience, these plates are made out of thin metal, so too much pressure and they bend easily.


Next up its a coating of primer for all of the removed parts.


Then a lot of niiiiiice orange.


and then, even more orange!!


After its all dry, I stuck it back together.


as you can see, the metal plates haven't stuck correctly on one or two of the sticks, so I will be redoing them, I want to give them a good 24 hours or more so I know the paint is 100% before I mess with them again.


I think these have come out pretty well! (other than the plates not sticking properly, but that's an easy fix)


So next up it was the motherboard. The great thing about these ASUS Sabertooth boards is you can spray the armor changing the look of them entirely.

Same as before, I took it apart


I also removed the southbridge and VRM heatsinks, these will get a light coating, nothing too crazy, I don't want to affect their performance too much.


Again, i put a coating of primer onto all the parts


you can see how light of a coat i used on the heatsinks, you can almost see through it!


Next up it's the real paint!


again, just a light coat on the heatsinks.


I then waited for it all to dry, put it all back together and added the ram. With a little bit of extra orange detailing I think it looks great!!


ASUS represent!


you can see the orange of the VRM heatsink popping through from beneath the Armor in places :D


The RAM looks great in the board, just still need to sort out the plates are peeling off. I think I need some better glue.


I did want to paint the miniature fan that you get with these boards, but unfortunately, I broke it =(... Not doing anything crazy, I just pulled it out of the box, put it on the side ready to work on, and it must have fallen on the floor. I heard a crunch and that was that. Gutted.


That pink sticker has gone now too, I started to remove it before these pics, then must have got distracted. ooops!


The orange in the detailing is a slightly different colour, but from a distance you can not tell.


I tried not to use too much and just highilght certain parts


A little test fit of the now orange and white davido_labido style GPU's


and one final picture because why not?!


what do you guys think about this little ASUS/AVEXIR mod?

I know white and orange isn't for everyone, but I think we are starting to see some progress!?
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