Love a good build log. Thought about going a bit Star Wars-ish? The colour scheme would work. Would need a bit of patina and decals, but the ultra clean orange-white look should spank too.
For this one, I just want it clean white and orange tbh, but it is a possiblity for my next one haha
So today's job was getting the mobo and RAM ready. Again, massive thanks to AVEXIR and ASUS for these goodies!
So First the RAM.
First I took the RAM apart, obviously I wouldn't recommend this as it's not the easiest thing to do and it does void the warranty (I imagine)
I also managed to peel all of the metal plates from the side of the RAM. This took a lot of patience, these plates are made out of thin metal, so too much pressure and they bend easily.
Next up its a coating of primer for all of the removed parts.
Then a lot of niiiiiice orange.
and then, even more orange!!
After its all dry, I stuck it back together.
as you can see, the metal plates haven't stuck correctly on one or two of the sticks, so I will be redoing them, I want to give them a good 24 hours or more so I know the paint is 100% before I mess with them again.
I think these have come out pretty well! (other than the plates not sticking properly, but that's an easy fix)
So next up it was the motherboard. The great thing about these ASUS Sabertooth boards is you can spray the armor changing the look of them entirely.
Same as before, I took it apart
I also removed the southbridge and VRM heatsinks, these will get a light coating, nothing too crazy, I don't want to affect their performance too much.
Again, i put a coating of primer onto all the parts
you can see how light of a coat i used on the heatsinks, you can almost see through it!
Next up it's the real paint!
again, just a light coat on the heatsinks.
I then waited for it all to dry, put it all back together and added the ram. With a little bit of extra orange detailing I think it looks great!!
ASUS represent!
you can see the orange of the VRM heatsink popping through from beneath the Armor in places
The RAM looks great in the board, just still need to sort out the plates are peeling off. I think I need some better glue.
I did want to paint the miniature fan that you get with these boards, but unfortunately, I broke it =(... Not doing anything crazy, I just pulled it out of the box, put it on the side ready to work on, and it must have fallen on the floor. I heard a crunch and that was that. Gutted.
That pink sticker has gone now too, I started to remove it before these pics, then must have got distracted. ooops!
The orange in the detailing is a slightly different colour, but from a distance you can not tell.
I tried not to use too much and just highilght certain parts
A little test fit of the now orange and white davido_labido style GPU's
and one final picture because why not?!
what do you guys think about this little ASUS/AVEXIR mod?
I know white and orange isn't for everyone, but I think we are starting to see some progress!?