2019: Adding memory to an overclockers GA-X58A-UD3R system

22 Aug 2011
***guys, if you do not know the GA-X58A-UD3R , please do not post... ***

I have already asked Kingston, they say they don't support my mobo, and won't even answer the question.. it is 10 years old, the main good thing is it is BEFORE intel let SPECTRE in!! :)

I want to add more dimms to my mobo, and would like to know the success of this, before wasting my very limited money.. :)
If I had millions, I would not be here, and buy a 4k monitor, graphics, etc, not much change from 20000...

the limit of it is 24G, with six slots.. type is 1.5v DDR3-1600 UDIMM non ecc

if you put in three or six, it will increase the bandwidth by 3..
if you put in a multiple of two, it will increase the bandwidth by 2..
If you know what this means in speed/ benchmark it would help, manual does not make it clear..

my main question is, do I need a 'matched pair' (eg 3 sets of 2 x 4g =24) 50 each = 150!

or can I just buy 6 Dimms and plug them in?? 20 each = 120!

anyone out there know??? :)
I have 6x4GB sticks of Corsair Vengeance 1600Mhz plugged into my X58 UD5, none of them matched, and they work a treat.

Keep to the same manufacturer make and model and you should be fine.
no ram is the same unless you buy a KIT, but 2 kits may also no match, there is always a revision deliverance a timing may change.

you should try to buy matching sticks.. brand, model, speed and so on...
test one stick at a time and make a note of the timing they run at, the stick with the loosest timings put in ram slot A1.
the system will then run all other stick at that sticks speeds and all will be good in the world

or can I just buy 6 Dimms and plug them in?? 20 each = 120!
you dont have to run 6 sticks, in can just use slots A1 B1 / A2 B2 and get dual channel
if you use 4gb stick this will give you 16gb in dual channel this is all you need

and TBF you could just rn 3 x 4gb sticks, the platform your running is at the end of its life now i cant see it pushing any game that will use over 12gb
I had a matching set of 6x4GB Kingston 1600mhz in my x58, then I went and bought 2x8GB 2400mhz dimms and ran with 16GB... then I bought two more lots of 2400mhz 16GB kits for a total of 48GB (mobo said 4GB max per dimm) and they were not matching brands or kits or timings, but they ran fine at CL11 at nearly 1900mhz and also ran fine at 1600mhz CL9 no issue. This was an Asus mobo...
well I found what an absolute mess the PC game is... If you buy a decent mobo(this was 10yearsago!) then advancements will mean you cannot buy good and cheap upgrades.. If you think £300 is cheap.... :O
no sign of Kingston, in UK.. get corsair, find the fancy heat sink means they will not fit due to the good HSF cooler you are using..

BIG THANKS to overclock, who still found my order on file, and recommended 6 teamgroup dims,giving me 24G for £150 :) :)

The GA-X58A-UD3R was the best in most reviews..
Take a look and you will see why...

X58 _______________ X58A
2 x pcie16 __________ 4 x pcie16
4 x dimm slots 16G ___ 6 x dimm slots 24G
8 x SATA slots ______ 10 x SATA slots

the main good thing is I can use a lot of cheap HDDs, to increase storage..
no, it just means that you cannot find 'old stuff' easily, unless you go back to a **reliable** supplier.. :)

Even the vintage car market is better supplied!
er, 1999 is **twenty** years ago... oh ye of little faith... I actually have an old friends laptop, from around 2003.. (XP came out in 2001)
2.5 inch IDE Hard drive, max size now available is 100Gig if you don't want ebay! 2 gig max ram, but I managed to put win7 32 bit on it!! :)
JUST like and old beat up car, it does the job, for those I know that have to scrape by on limited cash flow ..

Oh yes, when I used to work at the local tech college, My window looked out on the skip!!! :D
So when they upgraded the computer dept, as soon as it landed in the skip, I could legally take them out for home use!! :D :D
er, 1999 is **twenty** years ago... oh ye of little faith...

That's my point, this thread is basically complaining a ten year old platform isn't properly supported for upgrades. Whereas ten years ago if you had something from '99 (which would have been 10yrs old at that point) it would have been EDO or some kind of other weird ram, probably ISA slots or AGP etc and completely useless for modernising. Aka skipware at that point.

Your X58 platform just needs 32GB of DDR3 and a Xeon to last another few years barring any hardware failure. You can pop an SSD on it and it will run WIn7 or Win10 just fine.
I sure wish folks would READ my comments..............................
I said I was in London, ENGLAND, where good computer shops are disappearing, unless you are near Newcastle-under-Lyme!!
go on, guess why.... :p

It IS SUPPORTED, very helpful reply.. and guess what PC DOES NOT have slots??? :) :)

and your similarity to the 'vintage car club' increases.. they very much talk about "I found a good alternator that works in my Shelby Cobra! just need to mill down the pins, and solder some wires!!!"

yeah just chuck in a xeon, and 32 ram... work just fine , if not just pull out the CPU, put in a I7 and check the bios, shove the x back in again!! sounds like these guys...


me I would rather NOT spend more time pulling things about than actually using it..
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hey comnut, did you solve your issue?

I have the same mobo, and want to go to 24 GB, currently pondering on buying 6x4GB at 1600 Mhz, According to the manufacturer


Its possible according to the official list to get 24G using this kit KET16D1 4GB Kingston KHX1600C9D3K3/12GX, will try to get something like it.

According to the table getting beyond 1600Mhz gets tricky with the dimm channels.

anyway, were you lucky with this endeavour?

edit: for those who are in the same boat, doing some research, for Kingston sticks, only the "low density" ones works with this MOBO, kingston people stated this in this link


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Just found this site, will buy 6x4

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Got my xeon w3690 installed yesterday !!

I had bought 3 sticks of the afore mentionded 4GB 1600Mhz ddr ram and It worked. alas one ddr dimm slot is dead so I had to use first and third dimm channels .this happened since I started fiddling with my previous i7 920 . not due to installing the w3690...:(

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