His first reference to performance was this:
"We shared some data that shows a bunch of games, you'll see the perf somewhere between 35-45% better at roughly the same generation. In most cases, if you are on high resolution and not CPU limited, Turing is going to crush it!"
Which is completely at odds with his answer when asked about the presentation slides. Then he claims that the performance over the 1080 will be 50% in most cases.
But after answering that question the interviewer also asked him this direct question, is the 2080 faster than the 1080ti. His reply "I think so. I would expect some cases where 2080 would beat 1080 Ti but I don't have the data in front of me"
I guess people are quoting that last sentence because who really believes he doesn't know the exact performance? And they are so quick to big up any product they are launching. Remember Pascal, in interviews and the launch event, they made it clear that the 1070 was going to be faster than the Titan X. He didn't have missing data for that interview. Surely if it was faster than the 1080ti, they would be doing the same thing now? What's to be gained from hiding the performance?
And you don't think that their is any chance that they deliberately don't want to tell us the exact performance, so they can shift a few more 10xx series?
Because if what this all seems to pointing too is NVidia's top 3 chips and yes I do mean chips not cards, being way ahead of the best the competition can muster. Which in its self is a freighting prospect considering the price of these RTX chips.