21ghz! - well not quite....

Man of Honour
14 Nov 2005
Up North
Started to 'underclock' my opty 170. Lowered vcore to 1.25 and started gettting wierd glitches in CPU-Z. Every now and then it would jump to 21ghz :eek: lol.

Didn't affect Prime95 stability at all. Now I'm sure that it isn't really going to that speed but could the glitch be some sort of reporting error coming out of the cpu or a software fault? Anyone else had this problem?

Heres a pic :
:cool: shweet 21ghz that's got to be a record lol, on a side not what windows theme and programme are you running there as that is nice :)

and why are you underclocking a opty 170 lol?
Underclocking the opty 170 for lower voltage = low temps = low noise. Currently p95 stable @ 2.6 with 1.25 vcore. Load temp = 37c with all case fans/BT fan on lowest settings.

I was at 2.85 but summer temps making pc heat up (CPU 45c - PWMIC 77c chipset 54c). Although the PC is stable as a rock with those temps the noise from the fans, especially DFI's chipset whiner, was getting on my wick. I was curious at what speed I could reach @ stock vcore...then kept going lol. I don't mind sacrificing 200mhz for a silent system until I go for a mach2.

The theme is one from windowsblinds 'fresco' - the wallpaper is a widescreen one, cant remember where I got it though.
KizZ said:
Run Super PI :)

lol...I wish it WAS running at 21gig SP32mb 5 seconds anyone? Alas it only 'jumps' (read - reports) to that speed for split second every now and then.

I might try and validate it though :D
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